
Pixlr Express and Pixlr-o-matic: More effects in your pictures than you can imagine

English - November 19, 2012

While one can argue that Android does not have the best camera in a smartphone, nobody can deny that we have applications for editing images. Without going any further in this blog we have already discussed: Loonapix, FunCam, PicsArt, Aviary, Photo Editor… Not to mention Instagram. So I guess you are wondering why we speak of another. The answer is simple and you will find at the end, but first the app in question

Pixlr, one in three

Pixlr is an image editor that comes from Autodesk Inc., the same people who brought Sketchbook (all versions) and WD Autocat. editor actually consists of three parts: Pixlr Editor, Pixlr Express i Pixlr-o-matic. first is perhaps the most complete, but currently only works from the web, while the last two we can find as app.


Pixlr-o-matic is the fastest to use (ironic, given that the other is called express). We simply have to choose effects and apply directly. We have three types: filter, brightness and color. We can not do our own purposes, just choose. The secret? From where we choose. The app has loaded less than a tenth of the hundreds of available effects , there are all types, so although we can not write our almost certainly find one you serve. What if I can not find it? No, you do not have to complain, because that’s what Pixlr Express.

Pixlr Express

Here we choose to apply effects, and lots to choose. Back is divided into type filter effects, highlights and frames, but now we control every aspect of each effect, since the bulk of the frame to the predominance of a filter can even combine multiple . What’s more, we have much more complex new effects.

The truth is that the amount of things you can do sometimes go beyond what you could want, but is fairly intuitive and you can always preview the effect. The bad news is that we can not keep filter, only the image, which once found will we like to throw memory.

So you have a choice for everyone. And that is why we are here to inform you about all you can do. And you, to prove what you like and leave us your thoughts in the comments.

Download Pixrl-o-matic from Google Play

Pixrl Download Express from Google Play

Article was published in The Android Free (The Android Blog reference. Apps, News, Free Android Games and smartphones)

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