
So you can use Google Maps offline and these are their limitations

English - September 7, 2015

When a couple of months ago my partner Juan Carlos nos told how to prepare our Android to take advantage while traveling, he mentioned a little over how Google Maps to use downloaded when we’re offline, a function that takes time being available but always worth having fresh in the mind.

Thinking less experienced users we have decided to broaden the subject and explain it in a simpler way which not only are two ways to download Maps we can use in Google Maps, but also mention the limitations we have to take into account before entrusting our trip to this function


Before you start These are the limitations

The first thing to consider is that we can only download areas of countries that are not ours, at least in the case of Spain. This means that while we are visualizing country (and even Andorra) no download option appears us a region for offline use.

Another thing you should remember, especially when planning when you get off the maps taking into account the number of days you’ll be out, it is that offline maps have an expiration date. This means that once the bajéis only you will be able to use for 30 days. After this time you will have to enter the section of My Places to update or re-download.

will be able to have up a maximum of six maps downloaded simultaneously, each occupying the area of ​​a large city. Perhaps the idea is not to abuse this limit cache and you Cinais to download only what you go to use. But if what you want is to use the GPS functions offline on a long road trip had better waste your some other application.

How to download a map for use offline?

There are two ways to download a map in Google Maps, but maybe we could say there are two ways to access the same function. The easiest is to get on the field we want to download and touch the address bar. There will not write anything, because in as you see in the image among the options to be deployed will be the Save New Map Offline .

You can also click on a city and slide up to deploy its factsheet. Once there you only have to click on the menu three points and choose Download area Offline . In both cases, the application will let you edit the area you want to keep zooming in to cover much territory to a certain limit.

If you want to remove any of your maps have to enter the popup menu opens with Icon of the three horizontal stripes and access the option Your sites . Once there, all the way down and under your zones Offline choose the one option to view and manage them. In the menu you can delete or update any of the areas downloaded or download a new

In Engadget Android |. ¿Cómo capitalize on your Android abroad without Internet

– The news
So you can use Google Maps offline and these are their limitations was originally published in Engadget Android by FM Yubal.

Engadget Android