
Steps to Create Successful Branded Video Content

Business, English - November 11, 2020
Image 1. Steps to Create Successful Branded Video Content

Visual content plays an important role in digital marketing campaigns. Video content is consumed mostly by an audience active on social media. Branded video content has especially gained a lot of attention recently. Businesses that are active online prefer to share their marketing content in the form of videos. They focus on their brand promotion while creating videos. Today about 90% of brands create video content for their brand promotion.

However, brands create such branded video content in a much more interesting way. Instead of focusing on direct brand promotion, they create a story that attracts viewers. Earlier brands used to create only brand-focused videos for their promotion. Today, due to social media’s influence, brands have started creating videos that engage with their audience. Making such branded video content brings positive outcomes for brands—audiences like the storytelling approach of brand videos. Also, brand videos are shared by their viewers on various social media platforms. 

Creating branded video content needs a proper strategy and a bit of creativity. Using video creators, you need to follow some simple steps to make your branding video more compelling. Here are the crucial steps that build your brand video into a successful video content marketing campaign.

  • Know about Your Audience First

Before stepping into video production, you should know who you are interacting with. It is vital to interact with your customers. Make sure your videos are tailored to engage with your viewers. If you focus on the millennial audience, you need to create video content that instantly attracts them. This step will help you to select the content for making your brand’s video.

  • Make Your Audience Fall in Love with Your Content

Now it’s time to create captivating video content that fascinates your audience. Research and create content that will make your audience curious to know about your brand. You can use humor to make the video look more entertaining. Adding some infographics and effects to your video will make it more attractive. You can also add your brand’s logo to the video. Choose short videos over long videos. Viewers prefer to watch short videos of brand promotion. Fit all your content in that time length. Also, try to create videos that look more appealing, even with no audio. You can also opt for using animations in your video content.

  • Be original

Today all brands post their promotional videos on various platforms. You have to face a lot of competition while promoting your video content. Make sure your video marketing style does not copy or follow your competitors. You have to keep up with yourself. Create a video that uniquely displays your brand values; you can add logo to videofor a more personalized look. Set your style of narrating your brand’s story to your viewers. Keeping your video original is the best way to promote your brand. Your audience will consume and share your brand video more often.

  • Engage with Your Audience

Creating a brand video and just sharing it with your audience is not enough. You have to involve your audience in the video. Inform your audience about your upcoming brand video by sharing a teaser of it. Create a buzz in your audience about your latest brand video. Ensure that you include a call to action option in your brand video to inform the audience about your services. You can create polls and ask your audience to answer those questions asked in the poll. This will make them attach to your content emotionally.

  • Use Testimonials in Your Video Content

When a customer speaks about your brand, then potential customers trust your brand more easily. Adding testimonials in videos is useful when you are promoting your brand. To do this, you can ask your current customers to give a review of your brand through a video bite or by giving comments. Customers who use your brand services speak more confidently about it. You can add comments, video bites, or votes to your brand video. Testimonials create a powerful impact on your audience by giving them a sense of belief about your brand.

  • Choose Broadcasting Platform Wisely

Nowadays, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn are influencing platforms for broadcasting brand videos. Most of the target audience is active on these platforms.

On social media platforms, a video is viewed and re-shared more frequently by the viewers. Videos trend on these platforms quite easily—also, schedule the posting times for your video on these platforms. Most of the viewers prefer a specific time to watch videos. Make sure that you hit the right time and post your brand video.

  • Optimize Your Video Content

Similar to websites and blogs, your video content also requires to be optimized for better traffic. To make your brand video appear on the top list of searches, you have to focus on some points. The first thing is to add a proper title to your video—research on relevant keywords you can use in the title and video description. You can also use keyword tools to create relevant keywords. Hashtag and thumbnails create a great effect on optimizing your content. Just make sure that you create attractive and engaging thumbnails. Add text to video to reach a larger audience. Get more info here.

  • Analyzing Video Content Performance

Any promoted content should be analyzed to view its performance online. To do this, you can use analytic tools such as Google Analytics, which provide detailed insights into your brand video. You will be able to identify your engagement with the audience. This will help you to improve on some aspects where you lack.

Conclusion Creating successful brand video content is not a one day task. It requires time, effort, and strategy to build a successful brand video marketing campaign. These steps will guide you in creating and promoting perfect video content.