
The Best Business Tech Upgrades for 2020

Business, English - May 11, 2020

Image 1. The Best Business Tech Upgrades for 2020

With technology constantly improving, it can be hard for a business to know what the best tech upgrades are and you will always want to spend wisely so that you can benefit from the technology. There are many different types of technology that should be considered in 2020 and these could help you to find success in many different ways, so if you are looking to improve your business with a few tech upgrades this year then here are a few ideas to consider. It will depend on your business and industry but you cannot go wrong with any of these smart tech upgrades.

Remote Working Tools

The COVID-19 outbreak has led even more people to work from home this year and this is likely to continue for the foreseeable future. Remote working can actually benefit the employer and employee provided that the right tools are available so that people can work productively each day and there are many different tools available, such as:

  • Cloud computing
  • Videoconferencing software
  • Communication tools
  • Video recording and sharing tools
  • Project management software

Live Chat

Being able to provide instant, high-quality customer service can give you a competitive edge and help you to develop a positive reputation. Consumers do not want to wait hours or even days to make a decision so live chat is a smart tech upgrade which will help you to increase conversions, build relationships with your target customer and benefit from word-of-mouth marketing.

Website Tracking

It is frustrating to have people and/or businesses visit your website without making any kind of contact, but website tracking tools like Traffic Truffleallows you to track website visitors, gather contact details, see what pages were visited and much more. This will give you a clearer insight into your website and visitors while providing you with contact details for those that have shown an interest, allowing you to easily follow up.


Cybercrime is a growing issue and one which affects businesses of all sizes and in all industries. Fortunately, cybersecurity software is improving and evolving to combat the latest digital threats so this is an area that you need to stay current with so that you can protect your business, employees and customers against cybercrime.


Software plays a crucial role in the business world in today with businesses in all industries relying heavily on programs throughout the day whether this is industry-specific software or something like accounting software. This is also an area that is constantly evolving so upgrading could help to streamline the operation, automate processes and even improve the quality of the end product/service. These are a few of the best tech upgrades that a business can make in 2020. It is important to stay current when it comes to tech because it can help a business in so many different ways and could even help you to compete with the bigger brands in your industry. There have been many advances in recent years so it can be a complex area, but you cannot go wrong with any of the above upgrades this year.