
The effects of music in our body as science

Business, English - April 2, 2015

Image 1. The effects of music in our body as science

The effects of music in our body according to science

Scientific studies have focused on the music and the effects it has on people. These are some of the results that demonstrate its powerful impact.

Nothing like music. Throughout the history of mankind have found evidence that from early music was made. Be your social effect and outside the obligatory in dances, rituals and festivities accompanying music has remained something inherent in the development history of human.

Music activate more parts of the brain than any other human stimulus. On the other side is the same evolution of music, its stages, its use as a distinctive cultural feature and make it look infinite, so different in each region, age, culture, subculture, niche, layer, band, urban tribe, person … so on infinite… And last but not least, music, what makes a success of life, has powerful effects on the human body

There have been multiple scientific studies that have addressed the effects of music on people, even in animals and plants. What has been found is no small thing, to the point that many people even choose a music teacher, not only for the fun it represents, or for their vocation, but to take advantage of all its benefits. Know a little about this.

The effects on the brain are amazing

Shutterstock / Beatriz Gascon J

As I said, different studies have been made over time, and they found that music, for example, affects the brain chemistry. And is that the music is nice we do we release dopamine, a neurohormone released by the hypothalamus, which is associated with pleasure; However, it has other beneficial functions as being present in learning processes, behavior, motor activity, sleep, mood, attention.

That’s why other studies have found in music the relationship in improving motor activity in the treatment of patients with Parkinson’s or increased spatial reasoning in autistic patients and support therapies patients with seizure disorders

When you hear music…

Your brain is activated in different areas. Below you can see the parts that are activated, in fact this chart, which belongs to a study by the University of Florida suggests that active music more parts than any other human stimulus.


  • It regulates the level of hormones related to stress.
  • Strengthens memory and learning.
  • speed affect brain waves.
  • Recreate memories.
  • And much Moreover, in the next video we clarify some points about it:

When you play music …

Shutterstock / Prapass

Your brain goes into processes which at first glance does not seem as powerful. But they are. A study in children showed that children who had a musical education 3 years or more, had a increase in their fine motor and the auditory discrimination (this indispensable for the study of other languages mother tongue). Also these children had a better vocabulary, better skills in their body language and understanding of visual information, distinguishing more easily similarities, differences of shapes and patterns.

When you make music group

Shutterstock / Volt Collection

If you ever sung in a choir or have made music with anyone know what this point is concerned. A study found very interesting scientific answer to that feeling of working together or waves of emotion that run when you’re singing along to others. And is that synchronize literally. Was found for example that a song in unison makes the hearts of the singers accelerate and decelerate simultaneously.

Music as energizing

Shutterstock / Itz

It is said that music and to listen to affect the heartbeat, pulse and blood pressure. Also, as mentioned above, the music is able to change the speed of brain waves, thus the music with a pulse of about sixty beats per minute can change the consciousness to the alpha beta range, this improves the condition warning and general welfare, something very similar to what happens with  meditation Yoga.

Charitable and more

Shutterstock / lightpoet

In other studies have found that music directly affects strengthening immune system, this due to brain activity that occurs, welfare that can be felt as well as decreased anxiety levels. In fact it was found that listening to music for fifteen minutes could aumenter levels of a family of proteins associated with blood and platelet production, lymphocyte stimulation and cell protection against AIDS, cancer and other diseases.

Music can strengthen the immune system.



It has also been found that listen to music while we exercise can help us to” confuse “our brain and cancel their constant fatigue that sends signals which would lead to stop the activity. The rate we use to exercise may be beneficial. In fact it was found in another study that cyclists who listened to music required 7% less oxygen to the same training that cyclists who do silently. Here a small graphic to the type of exercise and beats you need to put in your playlists to increase your results.

Music not as charitable

However, after reviewing some benefits of music itself and stimulates our body, it is also true that music can affect us negatively. And the music we dislike creates stress, the volume at which you listen also affects the benefits of music, if this is too high, can can also generate anxiety. In turn, we know of some cases where music has been used as torture and the emotional level to which it is connected is really powerful, and the level of care required by us and can literally tear us to pieces if used for such purposes.

Finally, have you ever had an “ear worms”? This disastrous situation where you can not remove a tune up has also been studied in the scientists. What has been found is that the “musical worms” are melodic and rhythmically simple, that cause neuronal circuits is jam in a loop that repeats over and over again. It may even be as damaging to raise levels of anxiety of people. In these cases it is suggested hear other tunes or sounds that help exit the loop that is the brain.
