
The greatest adversities of the world

English - January 27, 2023
Image 1. The greatest adversities of the world

This planet we inhabit is too rich, because nature is very abundant and could feed, according to scientists’ calculations, even this humanity multiplied by five or more, but the problem is both the inadequate distribution of territories, as people accumulate one on top of the other in the cities, and the unequal distribution of wealth. In addition to the annihilation of natural resources.

Some specialists have shown that only the United States produces enough food to feed the entire planet, but the truth is that it is wasted because it cannot be sold. The worst part is borne by the so-called third world or developing countries. However, at a general level and especially in a serious moment of global crisis, according to experts, the following would be the greatest adversities in the world:


Every day, health alarms increase in the world, since various diseases appear, many of which can be of an impressive risk and scope. In addition to this, the quality of medical services provided to the population, especially in these third world nations, is deplorable and this is expressed by 100% of its inhabitants.

It is estimated that almost one billion people do not have any kind of help or access to a health system. However, several analysts say that these figures are actually a quarter of the reality. This causes a large number of people to die from preventable diseases and even from minor ailments such as diarrhea or cold.


Poverty is a problem that seems to have been increasing for decades and is rampant throughout the world. It is the fundamental feature by which nations are categorized as third world, which is synonymous with being the poorest. The United Nations has presented a report stating that there are people who have to live on about two dollars a day or even less, who are grouped in the category of “poor”.

Poverty and inequality are complex problems that are interconnected and affected by economic, political and social factors. Economic research has shown that investment in education and health are key factors in reducing poverty and improving equality.

According to UN figures, the group of people earning less than $1.20 a day or less is considered to be in extreme poverty. The report also states that close to 1 billion of the extreme poor are children, of whom around 22 thousand die every day.

Electrical energy

If we think about it, it has become something almost vital for all citizens. Even so, it is incredible that well past the second decade of the 21st century, there are many people who do not even enjoy electricity service.

Even more astounding, official statistics show that 1.6 billion of these people are completely unaware of the existence of electricity and technology. They practically live in the stone age.


It has been one of the most feared epidemics of modern humanity, especially in underdeveloped countries. The figures reported by the UN reveal that around 40 million human beings are currently infected and 65% of them are women.

But even worse: 90% of the child population lives on the African continent, as well as 60% of the world’s women with the disease.

Armed conflicts

This problem is mainly due to one of the most important evils of humanity: corruption. Due to corruption, serious conflicts of nation against nation and also internal situations occur. When these conflagrations occur in less fortunate countries, the poverty and precarious conditions of the citizens increase considerably.

It sounds absurd to many people that in the 21st century, the major powers continue to promote and orchestrate this kind of harmful conflict.


Racism is one of humanity’s main concerns, as socio-cultural exclusion is still far too widespread. Millions of people suffer from the racist actions of others around the world. There are various kinds of discrimination, from social, to economic, to religious, etc.


The indiscriminate exploitation of natural resources has caused all this time a huge pollution that is negatively affecting all living beings on the planet. In China and other parts of the world, pollution levels are very serious.

Drinking water

Many visionaries have predicted that the biggest problem of the future is the lack of pure water. Hundreds of thousands of people are currently dying of thirst. The United Nations states that nearly one billion people are deprived of this vital liquid and 400 million are children.


Official figures show that about 870 million human beings are currently suffering from hunger. They have nothing to feed themselves. The majority of malnourished people are in Africa and 60% are women. UN reports also indicate that at present, one child loses his or her life every five seconds due to lack of food.

Food production is affected by environmental and economic factors, including climate change, soil degradation and water scarcity. Scientists are researching ways to improve the efficiency of food production and adapt to climate change, such as the use of climate-resilient crop varieties and precision agriculture.