
What does it mean to be a millennial?

Curiosities, English - November 12, 2022
Image 1. What does it mean to be a millennial?

In recent years, a word has become very important, especially among cybernauts; we are talking about “millennials”. This is the so-called generation Y, made up of those born between 1981 and 1999. For some, the term denotes intelligence and various qualities, but for others, it is a derogatory expression that can even be taken as an insult. What does it really mean to be a millennial?

The good side of millennials

Some characteristics that describe this population group, taking into account their capabilities and virtues, are the following:

They are very well prepared intellectually

According to statistics, a large part of millennials have university studies and tend to master several languages.

High acquisition capacity

Thanks to their high level of education, they are also more likely to increase their purchasing power, especially when compared to past generations. Obviously we cannot generalize, we are only talking about a considerable part of millennials.

They live continuously connected

If in the present, a cellular device is essential for any citizen, it does not compare with the need that a millennial feels for a Smarthphone.

And the fact is that the time in which they were born is prodigious, because they lived at the turn of the millennium, experiencing both the twentieth century full of limitations and the twenty-first century, which has been the rage of the expansion of technology, communications and information. And they value this greatly, so they need the device where everything is at hand and everywhere.

They are attached and loyal to favorite brands

When for some reason they feel comfortable with the products of a certain brand, they tend to be strangely loyal to it. This is one of the most conservative facets of millennials.

They love to be well-informed and demanding

When they go to buy something, they stop to analyze the offer in detail, in order to choose the best option and when they have already chosen, they are overcome by an extreme anxiety that the product reaches their hands at the speed of light.

The dark side of millennials

Despite the aforementioned qualities and the fact that they are considered as individuals with the right side of the brain much more developed than other people from other generations, they are also known for other not so positive traits. It has come to the point that the word “millennial” is synonymous with narcissism, immaturity, instability and some even take it as an instinct.

Distracted and absorbed by technology

They live absorbed in a screen, most of the time of their day to day. They keep open countless windows, among which stand out: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Spotify, Youtube and many other applications running at every moment. The web has become a fundamental part of their existence. They are not without access to the web at any time.

They believe they are unique, exclusive and great thinkers

Psychologists agree that millennials mostly suffer from the only child complex, so they feel they deserve all the things and especially the undivided attention, because they feel that when they speak they say famous things that everyone should listen to.

Growing up is not one of the verbs in their dictionary

Some people attribute to them the Peter Pan syndrome, which defines them by their immature behavior in different areas of life and their evident weakness in taking responsibility. They would all like to become independent and succeed, but few work for it. They would always like to be teenagers, play video games, use emoticons, etc.

They want to live stimulating themselves all the time

One of their main characteristics is that they feel a strong need to go through different intense experiences. They would like to live in function of being surprised and feeling adrenaline, that is why they feel bored most of the time and they are very annoyed by routine.

They want everything immediately

Several psychological experiments have been carried out and have come to the conclusion that millennials are the most stressed people in existence. Literally so says the “American Psychological Association”, according to which, these individuals live frustrated if they do not get what they want in the shortest possible time.

However, great millennial characters have reached the pinnacle of success and even governed countries, such as Nayib Bukele, who also became the most accepted president in the entire American continent. Being a millennial is also not synonymous with being defective and problematic, but really has its two well-defined polarities: either great brilliant minds, or great video game players and anime fans.

Undoubtedly, the millennial generation is quite special for having experienced the two centuries and amazing events in the world. From the touch-tone phone to the smarthphone; from square TVs with stove top buttons to large flat screen TVs. If you know more details about millennials or you feel you are one of them, tell us more.