
You can play the GameBoy Advance on your android wear and yes, it is so cumbersome as it sounds

English - September 8, 2015

There is a small group of developers android wear that are bent on demonstrating the power of the connected clocks. They could do with applications useful but it always takes more development and the best technical test to test the limits of these devices are emulators. Moderately demanding applications where the size of the screen does not help us to play anything, I must say.

This is not the first time, and certainly not the last, we see a port to android wear a optimization a bit rough. As you can deduce the headline, there is an emulator, GameBoy Advance handheld console from Nintendo. Starting today, you can play it on your SmartWatch. Or try at least because it is a little frustrating

A spectacular technical test but unhelpful

My Boy! is a popular GameBoy Advance emulator for Android. It works well, it is fast and can charge most games that are available. In fact, as you can see in the video below, the quality that moves several games LG G Watch is unquestionable.

The problem, of course, is in the size of your screen. Has enough resolution but no space to play using the touch controls. In fact, if you look in the video it is easy to see that every time you try to play a check covering part of the screen and combining two buttons is tortuous.

Why do it then? Why not? would be the most appropriate response. It’s a good technical demo to show what can be achieved with these characteristics clocks. However, should serve as proof that in the future we might have relatively powerful applications soon and, hopefully, better optimized than this emulator.

If you are curious to emulation, the “normal” version of My Boy! works great on phones and tablets. Is free (it has a paid version) and with a knob or a large screen can enjoy a large catalog of games.

My Boy! Free Arcade

  • Price: Free
  • Developer: Fast Emulator
  • Download: Google Play

News can now play GameBoy Advance on your android wear and yes, it is so cumbersome as it sounds was originally published in Engadget Android by Juan Carlos Gonzalez.

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