
5 Data Privacy Goals to Set This Year

Business, English, Technology - February 14, 2023
Image 1. 5 Data Privacy Goals to Set This Year

The year is still young, and many people already have their resolutions to fulfil. For some, this might be the year to stop binge drinking and hit the gym. For others, it might be the year to save money and buy a new home or car. Regardless of what category you fall in, here are 5 top data privacy goals you need to set in 2023 as an internet user. With cyberattacks becoming more prevalent, your online security needs to be prioritized at all costs.

Goal #1: Use an Updated Internet Device

Your first defence line against cyberattacks is your device’s built-in data privacy settings. Thankfully, most modern smartphones, tablets, and computers can comfortably deal with cybersecurity issues. This means it might be time to purchase a new phone or computer. For instance, iPhone 14 offers improved security features than iPhone 10. But if you have deep connections to your older phone or computer, update the OS regularly, as newer updates have enhanced security features.

Goal #2: Update Your Online Password

The latest device will do very little to protect you against hackers if your password is easily predictable. Using passwords with at least eight characters consisting of random numbers, letters, and symbols is advisable. Avoid using easy-to-predict passwords like your name, date of birth, your mother’s name, and so on. Another best practice for passwords is using different passwords on separate websites. Change your password as early as now!

Goal #3: Activate Two-Factor Authentication

Two-Factor Authentication, or simply 2FA, is an online security layer added to your traditional passwords. This feature is essential because cybercriminals can still break into your online account even if you use a unique password. You’ll often receive a code to your trusted phone number after entering the correct password. Enter this code to access the account. You can also receive a push 2FA notification to accept or decline account access. In short, 2FA makes your online account more secure.

Goal #4: Purchase a VPN Service

If you’ve not been using a VPN (virtual private network) service, this year is the time to get one. A VPN masks the IP address of your device, allowing you to hide your online identity from hackers, companies, and government agencies. It decrypts the data sent from your device before sending them to servers in other countries. This makes it almost impossible for scammers to track your real-time online activities. But avoid using free VPN services because they are porous.

Goal #5: Remove your personal data from data brokers

Data Brokers are organizations that collect, process, and sell information online. Thanks to data privacy laws like GDPR in Europe or CCPA in California, users can request the removal of their personal data from data brokers’ databases through manual opt out requests.

In recent years, data brokers removal services like this one automate the removal requests making the opt out process from hundreds of data brokers more managable.


Did we leave out any data privacy resolutions on your list? Feel free to add them to this list and enjoy a safe and secure online browsing experience. These simple tricks will help you stay one step ahead of the would-be hackers.