
Celebrities who wear a wig because they suffer from baldness

Curiosities, English, Film - November 12, 2022

They say that you shouldn’t get carried away by appearances and that what’s important is what’s on the inside. However, this thought is totally opposite in the world of show business and show business. There, appearance and image are everything, especially for actors, musicians and politicians. Some of them even undergo delicate surgical operations and exhaustive workouts in the gym, all in order to meet the established parameters of beauty.

But it is not only good health and exercise, on the contrary, most of them spend their time enjoying their fortunes and excessive pleasures, such as liquor and other substances, as well as promiscuity and many other weeds. That is why, at an early age, they get old and one of the biggest symptoms is alopecia and then, they are forced to use the old method of wigs. In this opportunity we present: celebrities who wear wigs because they suffer from baldness:

Robert pattinson

Image 1. Celebrities who wear a wig because they suffer from baldness

The famous vampire who stole the heart of more than one, in the Twilight saga, showed in some pictures that in several parts of his head, he was going bald. When he turned 32 years old, premature alopecia began to represent a serious problem for him. But a professional wig has been able to cover those gaps in his scalp and he was able to finish the filming of the movie “Cosmopolis” and the shooting of “Breaking Dawn 2”, a season in which he preferred to shave his head completely. And if that wasn’t enough, he posed for the cover of Wonderland magazine, wearing a pink wig.

Nicolas Cage

Image 2. Celebrities who wear a wig because they suffer from baldness

After the age of 50, he didn’t have much hair left and began to use various hairdos, which although very subtle, are still evident.

Jhon Travolta

Image 3. Celebrities who wear a wig because they suffer from baldness

Famous actor and dancer who always had an enviable head of hair, but also found himself in trouble when age and pleasures took their first costly toll, this time with his hair. Already in films like “Life on the line” he was seen wearing a false tail and at the Cannes Film Festival in 2014, he appeared with a full wig.

Ben affleck

Image 4. Celebrities who wear a wig because they suffer from baldness

He is not only a renowned actor, but also a Hollywood screenwriter, producer and director. But since he turned 46, his hair has been fading fast. And already in the movie “Dawn of Justice”, he appeared wearing a wig to play Bruce Wayne, the Batman character.

Elton Hercules John

Image 5. Celebrities who wear a wig because they suffer from baldness

This musician experienced all the hippies’ best times being famous, which gave him an unlimited passport to the most extreme pleasures of stimulant substances, liquor and promiscuity. That led him to suffer from alopecia since the 70’s, so he has had to undergo hair transplants and wigs.

Charlie Sheen

Image 6. Celebrities who wear a wig because they suffer from baldness

The applauded American actor, after passing the age of 50, was seen losing hair in large quantities and it was evidenced in the series “Two and a Half Men”. There he still had some hair, but he had to comb a fringe that he let grow on purpose to hide the alopecia in the front. He has undergone numerous treatments and therapies, but the best thing that has worked for him is wigs.

Sir Thomas Sean Connery

Image 7. Celebrities who wear a wig because they suffer from baldness

This movie legend has faced accelerated hair loss since he was a young man. He was not even 20 years old when there was no future for his hair. In his most famous character, James Bond, he had to wear a good wig.

Brendan Fraser

Image 8. Celebrities who wear a wig because they suffer from baldness

Another American actor who, after enjoying an enviable natural hair, now has to wear wigs. He owes his triumph to movies like the successful The Mummy trilogy, George of the Jungle, among other films.

Donald John Trump

Image 9. Celebrities who wear a wig because they suffer from baldness

The American president seems to be always worried about the appearance of his hair, but once, according to a video that went viral on the networks, while ascending the stairs of the presidential plane, a strong windstorm hinted that he is possibly wearing a toupee. Critics claim that he underwent cosmetic surgery to reduce the symptoms of baldness and that those would be the mounted locks seen in the photo.