
Secrets of the Last Supper, by Leonardo da Vinci

Curiosities - July 28, 2019

The painting of “The Last Supper”, authored by Leonardo Da Vinci, is one of the most emblematic works in the world and of greatest relevance,created in 1497. Right now it is located on the same wall on which the master painted it.

Image 1. Secrets of the Last Supper, by Leonardo da Vinci

It is believed that this sacred painting hides countless religious codes, which because of the Inquisition of the Catholic Church prevailing at that time, the genius had to encrypt.

The secret of the Holy Grail

If we begin to analyze the disciples surrounding Jesus Christ in the Work, it can be seen that Tadeo, the penultimate man on the right, keeps the same facial features as Leonardo.

The disciple at the end of the right is Simon Zelote and his face is too similar to the copy of the bust of the philosopher Plato, who has always been scorned by Catholicism.

The third man is Tomás, who Leonardo wanted to represent as the twin of Jesus. Not only does Da Vinci believe it, but so do many scholars of early Christianity. In fact, the name Tomás means twin in Aramaic.

The most remarkable mystery of all the work of the Last Supper is that of Mary Magdalene, who is to the right of Christ and is clearly a woman and the space they form between the two, reveals a subliminal chalice.

But Peter’s knife cannot be left behind in the symbolic and coded elements of the painting. The curious thing is in the position where Peter takes the dagger.

And finally, the absence of aureolas demarcates a human sense that he wanted to adapt to the biblical characters, bearing in mind that in those years, all sacred paintings embodied the saints with haloes. Obviously, it’s not a detail that neglected genius.

Do you know more details, mysteries and curiosities about this distinguished work of universal painting? Leave it to us in the comments.