
Magicians who died in the middle of the act

Curiosities - August 25, 2019

Magic shows have been around for thousands of years and are characterized by offering a moment of entertainment, made by true geniuses of illusion.

A know-how of the magical arts, he is an individual who has been duly trained and prepared, with specific disciplines and routines, because the spectacles that many of these gentlemen offer to the public, are usually of great danger; so much so, that many have died tragically, in full deeds.

Charles Rowan

Coming from south Africa and fond of illusion tricks loaded with suspense and adrenaline. Unfortunately, one day in the middle of a show, he was trying to get rid of a straitjacket that tied him, at the same time a car was approaching him at full speed. He only had a few seconds, but he wasn’t hit and at 72 kilometres an hour he was rammed.

Gilbert Raison De La Genesta

A complete expert in escapism. It was 1930 and on one occasion, he demonstrated his special abilities, tucked into a barrel with water and pretending to leave without any problem and as if by magic. Although he had already achieved it on many occasions, in this, he failed and cost him his life.

Jeff Rayburn Hooper

Another great of extreme escapism. The 23-year-old wanted to show the whole world his skills by trying to free himself from heavy shackles that tied him to the bottom of a lake. But unfortunately, he died in his attempt, though he managed to get to the surface alive and it was the force of the wind that prevented him from reaching the shore.

Madame De Linksy

A woman from Poland. Her fame and popularity grew inordinately due to her tremendous acts of magic, she lost her life while trying to catch bullets with her teeth. In fact, she had already succeeded on other occasions, but bad fortune accompanied her.

The famous Polish magician didn’t do well when she tried the old trick of catching bullets with her teeth, even though they were fake. One of the guys handling the shotguns, he forgot for a moment that he had the gun loaded and shot Madame De Linsky, that took her life.

Joe Burrus

This illusionist dared on halloween 1990 to bury himself in a glass mortuary drawer, in which about 10 tons of land and cement would fall. But he believed he would escape seconds before impact; however, everything failed and the daring famous of illusionism lost its crushed life.

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