
Selena Gómez is seen in her body what really happens to her

Curiosities, English - November 12, 2022
Image 1. Selena Gómez is seen in her body what really happens to her

Selena Gómez, one of the most famous actresses of the new millennium, one of the most desired women in the world, is now going through difficult times, due to a rare pathology that was diagnosed in 2015 and that now, more and more, seems increase and obviously, seriously risking his career for stardom. Now we will see what has happened to Selena Gómez in her body; what really happens:

The state of her in several photographs is very emaciated

“I was diagnosed with lupus and had to go through chemotherapy. I could have had a stroke,” were Selena’s words in 2015, when she first told the world what she was facing. From then on, she has been heard complaining about it on several occasions, until in 2020, the thing reached very worrying levels. Lupus, as the disease that affects her is called, has caused serious consequences in her body.

That year, 2020, Gómez was on one of her cooking shows on her television, when she commented on her state of health, asking her grandfather for help to be able to squeeze the juice from a lemon.. She literally said:

“sorry, I have very weak hands because I have lupus. That’s why I have dad here.”

On that occasion, a whole tide of reactions was generated by her fans on social networks. Most of them expressed all their moral support and admiration for her being such a warrior in moving forward with all her projects and always triumphing with a smile.

And it is that Selena has had to face very strong episodes in her health. For example, in 2017 she had to undergo nothing more and nothing less than a kidney transplant, as a result of the same lupus. That time, apart from her words of gratitude for the person who donated such an important vital organ saving her life, her friend Fransia Rasia, she expressed:

“It was a matter of life or death, my kidneys stopped working.”

Millions of concerned fans

Gomez has nearly 130 million followers on her Instagram, many of whom have filled with comments expressing her anguish for her celebrity, especially when she has uploaded photos of when she was hospitalized.

Due to all that hell that she has lived, Selena decided that she should help other people who suffer from the same evil and for that reason, she chose to donate a large sum to the University of Southern California, in her Faculty of Medicine.. From there, she created a foundation dedicated to financing studies focused on obtaining treatments for this autoimmune pathology. Her donation made a lot of noise in the mass media and this was what she said to the press, at a time when she handed over the money:

“I remain optimistic about the progress being made in lupus research and am proud to support the promising work at the Keck School of Medicine. I am hopeful that millions of us around the world can benefit from this.”

In all these years, this evil has hit hard not only her body, but also her mind. Before the public she is trained to smile and be cheerful, but the truth is that behind the scenes she has had to face panic attacks, which is why she has had to be admitted to a psychiatric hospital, where she spent time while they tried.

In 2020, Selena Gómez already showed signs of her recovery and she was much more active on social networks, increasing the number of her fans. One of her most watched current television shows is the culinary one, where she interacts from her own home and with her family. Thanks to these videos, it has been possible to confirm the significant reduction in physical strength that has afflicted Selena and that still persists.

About 90% of those affected by lupus are women between 15 and 50 years of age. One of the main symptoms is excessive tiredness, skin breakouts, severe pain in muscles and joints, cardiovascular problems and could trigger a stroke.

There is no known cure to date, but there are treatments, to which Selena has had to submit with a lot of discipline.