
Celebrities who openly confessed to being in love with other celebrities

Curiosities, English, Film - November 12, 2022

The stars of the show, before being celebrities, are human beings with the same vital and psychological functions. And as such, they have had to go through the cycle of adolescence, full of impossible loves and conflicting emotions. Likewise, they have felt crushed and attracted to other celebrities, but they have had to suffer their indifference and settle for the fantasy of what it would have been.

They practically felt in their own flesh, what someone who falls in love with a celebrity suffers. Let’s see right away, the celebrities who openly confessed to being in love with other celebrities:

Anne Hathaway

Image 1. Celebrities who openly confessed to being in love with other celebrities

She publicly confessed that she feels very much in love with Leonardo Di Caprio and that her feelings are not recent, but that they arose from a very young age, when she saw him acting in “The problems grow”, a series that was broadcast on television from the year 1985 to 1992 .

Reese Whiterspoon

Image 2. Celebrities who openly confessed to being in love with other celebrities

In some interviews she has made it very clear that her first love, since she was a teenage girl, was Johnny Depp. She has reported that the attraction to her was so great that she decided to paste pictures of the actor everywhere on the walls that lined her room. Another celebrity who also confessed to feeling melted by Johnny was Jessica Alba who also commented that at an award ceremony she had the joy of approaching the actor and felt that she was a fan of hers, madly in love with her.

Ashton Kutcher

Image 3. Celebrities who openly confessed to being in love with other celebrities

He is not ashamed to say that when he was just a 16-year-old boy, he was obsessed with Jennifer Aninston, so he did not miss even half an episode of the Friends series, in which the actress appeared. I had her image everywhere, even as a wallpaper on my PC. He wanted to think about her all the time and he kept dreaming about her. He believed that one day he would be able to go out with Jennifer and even made a bet with her friends. But he did not count on the fact that years later, when Kutcher had all his means to achieve it, the actress rejected him outright.

Ricky Martin

Image 4. Celebrities who openly confessed to being in love with other celebrities

Since he had already come out of the closet for quite some time, now he has no qualms about confessing that he was always in love with none other than John Travolta and that it was thanks to that that he discovered that he liked boys. He relates that it all started when he saw the movie “Saturday Night Fever”, he fell in love with the actor and since then, he questioned his masculine role and considered that he was born to love only men.

Helen Mirren

Image 5. Celebrities who openly confessed to being in love with other celebrities

She acknowledged in public that she not only admires Vin Diesel, but she also feels deeply attracted to him as a woman. She describes him as an intelligent, funny and special man and states that it is impossible not to fall at his feet in love with him.

Jim Carrey

Image 6. Celebrities who openly confessed to being in love with other celebrities

In 2011, a huge controversy was generated, because Jim made a video and uploaded it to his official website, in which he confessed that he was totally in love with Emma Stone, but he was harshly criticized by the media, especially for the tone where he said it. These were his words:

“Emma, ​​I think you are beautiful. Not only pretty, but also funny and with a good heart. If I were much younger, I’d marry you and we’d have chubby babies with freckles.”

Zack Efron

Image 7. Celebrities who openly confessed to being in love with other celebrities

He was obsessed with top model Tyra Banks, who is also a top TV host. Zac himself tells how he fell out with her platonic love:

“When I was younger I used to lie in bed and look at a Tyra Banks poster on my ceiling. She was in the Victoria’s Secret catalogs that my mom had and I thought she was the most beautiful thing in the world. I love girls with dark features, but when I went to Sweden I saw the most amazing natural blondes I’ve ever seen.”

Robert Pattinson

Image 8. Celebrities who openly confessed to being in love with other celebrities

The famous actor known for his role as a vampire, mainly, has confessed on several occasions that his platonic loves among celebrities have not been one, but two: the spectacular model Kate Moss and the protagonist of the movie The Exorcist, Linda Blair. According to Pattinson, he did not stop dreaming of them every night of his adolescence.

Love can come at any time and with whom you least expect it, in many occasions. When the heart has been touched by someone else, it doesn’t matter if that someone is from the upper echelons of society or a humble and simple person. In this case of the stars of the show business, it has been like that and despite the demands of their representatives and the industry that manages them, they have decided to be rebellious and maintain their love relationships.