
The best web browsers for Android TV

English - January 26, 2020

Image 1. The best web browsers for Android TV

it is Not that browsing the web is as comfortable on a tv, but surely more than once you’ve felt the need to do so. To view a particular page, search directly in Google or because you don’t wanted to get up off the couch to go find the phone, the reasons can be many. But yeah, Android TV you have a problem with this type of applications: does not comes with any browser; for more that, yes, you have options in the Google Play store on the tv.

The number of applications is not very high if you’re looking for a good web browser for Android TV, at least in the store, but this is not the only way of having a good app with which to surf the Internet: from Google Chrome to Firefox, we have enough where to choose. And are not too complicated to install it on an Android TV.

Going with the grain: howwhat are the best web browsers for televisions and media players with Android TV? We have chosen the following applications.

Puffin TV – Fast Web Browser

Is the best web browser that you can find looking for in the Google Play store of Android TV. It is perfectly adapted to the use with the remote control of the tv, you have favorites, the content is loaded normally and the greater part of the elements is reproduced correctly on the screen. Puffin is based on Chromium (as is almost all the browsers in this list) and have the problem that the version on which it is based is not the most recent; so that sometimes incompatibilities with certain types of websites.

Image 2. The best web browsers for Android TV

Puffin TV – Fast Web Browser

TV Bro

Another web browser for Android TV, which can be downloaded from Google Play, although is not compatible with all tvs and players. Offers a use, perfectly adapted to the remote control of the tv and does not have too many drawbacks beyond being the right thing to do in options. Even so, you have favorites, voice control and even allows the choice of the ‘user agent’ so as to deceive the web pages by pretending to be another browser. It’s not a bad app.

Image 3. The best web browsers for Android TV

TV Bro

Google Chrome

Image 4. The best web browsers for Android TV Using Google Chrome on the Nvidia Shield TV thanks to the gamepad of games

How is it possible that Google doesn’t include Chrome as a recommended app on Android TV? It is quite strange, but it is like this: and comes preinstalled or can be downloaded from the Google Play store. Fortunately, it is possible to install Google Chrome in Android TV, just follow the next tutorial.

Image 5. The best web browsers for Android TV

In Xataka Android

How to install Google Chrome into a tv with Android TV

Google Chrome is not fully adapted to the use with the remote control of the tv because many websites do this activate the cursor (with a mouse or through a physical control of games), but also entails too much of an inconvenience. Beyond here, Chrome works very well on Android TV: adapts the content to the screen and running the latest versions of the mobile browser, so you will avoid incompatibilities with the pages. is Also allows the activation of the desktop mode.

Firefox for Fire TV

Image 6. The best web browsers for Android TV

there is an error: we have highlighted a web browser for Fire TV Amazon. And is that the adapted version of Firefox works perfectly: just install the APK on the tv or the player and navigate. is Is perfectly adapted its use to the remote control of the tv and offers an experience that is as complete as it is simple. In our opinion, is the best app for what we seek: browse the web from your tv.

To install Firefox on your Android TV you have to do the same thing with Google Chrome: download the APK file and run it on the tv or the player.

  • Install File Commander on your Android TV and Sideload Launcher.
  • Download the latest version of Firefox TV from the web APK Mirror.
  • Upload the APK to your Google Drive, in the root folder.
  • Open File Commander on your Android TV, and logs in the Drive from the file manager.
  • Navigate in the File Commander to the folder where you uploaded the APK of Google Chrome and install it. You’ll have to accept the permission to install apps from outside Google Play.

Firefox is very well adapted to the use from the remote control, is quick to render pages, it offers a great support website, enables you to synchronize Firefox bookmarks and up to send pages from another browser Firefox. It is extremely functional.

The news The best web browsers for Android TV was originally published in Xataka Android by Ivan Linares.

Xataka Android