
The most beautiful towns in Venezuela

Curiosities, English - November 12, 2022

South America is a great place to travel. This is how many people think, both in Europe and in the United States and around the world. Those who have visited Latin American lands have fallen in love with the magic of nature, the different cultures, traditions, gastronomy, architecture and unique landscapes. Venezuela has very peculiar towns and in this opportunity, we will travel to the most beautiful of that nation, although many more really fall within that classification. Let’s see:


Image 1. The most beautiful towns in Venezuela

Some consider it as a small city, located inside the Canaima National Park. All those travelers looking for adventure especially prefer this place in Venezuela. It is quite a journey to enter the enormous natural park and that is why there are also tour guides.

The most visited point in this town is the Angel Falls, nothing more and nothing less than “the highest waterfall in the world.” The town is surrounded by the Carrao River and there is also the spectacular Canaima Lagoon, which is located very close to beautiful waterfalls. There are various points for camping, as well as lodgings of all prices.


Image 2. The most beautiful towns in Venezuela

In the State of Merida. Its foundation dates back to the year 1578. It was called that, in homage to the indigenous movements that fought against the conquerors and performed a unique ritual dance. It is located in one of the regions with the most fertile land in the country, a factor that has served to promote agriculture, which in turn is a vital item in the economy. There they grow grains, potatoes, mushrooms and more.

The shape of the houses and buildings is one of the main tourist attractions. It has wonderful natural landscapes and a beautiful square, called Plaza Bolívar, adorned with various species of flowers, trees and a central church, with fine art ceiling frescoes, as well as exclusive stained glass windows.

San Pedro del Rio

Image 3. The most beautiful towns in Venezuela

It is a colonial town in the state of Táchira, inhabited by about 6 thousand people. It is located between Lobatera and Colón, in the northern area of ​​San Cristobal. One of the most striking things is that the houses located on the same street are painted the same color, as are the details that adorn and constitute them. There are blue, green, white streets, with brown doors and windows. All painted and decorated in a very aesthetic and harmonious way.

La Azulita

Image 4. The most beautiful towns in Venezuela

The inhabitants always say that it is one of the quietest places to live in the entire Andean region and tourists always want to return, because the weather is very pleasant and the view of its different panoramas is truly apotheosis, thanks to the great amount of flowers, roses, herbs, among other prodigies of vegetation. There is a network of streams that finally converge in huge rivers. Lands rich in bird species and the people who live there, are characterized by their kindness and hospitality.

La Azulita is located in the state of Táchira and nearby there are also other very interesting towns that still maintain traditions and specialize in tourism.


Image 5. The most beautiful towns in Venezuela

Actually it is not just one town, but two: Capacho Nuevo and Capacho Viejo. The latter was founded by a captain in the year 1624. But two and a half centuries later, in 1875, a strong earthquake devastated almost the entire municipality, forcing the survivors to move to a lower territory, where Capacho was founded. New.


Image 6. The most beautiful towns in Venezuela

It is a town whose economy is based on agriculture. A road in good condition communicates it with the rest of the country and it is close to the Chama River. It is cataloged as a paradisiacal place, full of wonders of nature and very clean air.

With a good road to get there and very close to the beginning of the Chama River, this little town is a paradisiacal place where you can really breathe fresh air and enjoy nature. Another very attractive aspect of Gavidia is the handicrafts, products and woolen fabrics. Nearby is the largest lagoon in Mérida, the Laguna del Santo Cristo.

The Tovar Colony

Image 7. The most beautiful towns in Venezuela

A town that was built by Germans who arrived in Venezuelan lands in the 19th century. The houses were erected in the German style of that time, but curiously, even today you can see some people wearing the clothes of more than 200 years ago, as employees of some hotels, restaurants and other commercial places.

Despite the fact that this country has witnessed one of the largest exoduses in history, since more than seven million Venezuelans were forced to leave their land to take refuge in neighboring nations, its infrastructure and the natural beauty with which Mind you, they are still quite attractive to tourists.

Music is a fundamental element in the culture of these wonderful towns. The joropo dances and the llanera music are the most traditional.