
Download and install the beta of Chrome Remote Desktop for Android

English - April 9, 2014

Image 1. Download and install the beta of Chrome Remote Desktop for Android

A few days ago we received the information that Google had opened a private beta of a new remote control program called Chrome Remote Desktop. The application is still unavailable officially Google Play but have managed to access the beta APK.

Applying give us remote access to PCs via our Android devices (smartphones and tablets), providing a free simple remote control, and quite fluid. Nothing to envy to other more complex solutions such as LogMeIn, but yes, only focusing on Chrome.

After installing the application only have to go to Chrome WebStore and unburden the Chrome Remote Desktop extension on the computer you want to display.

Once there the following steps are easy to configure. We leave the links to APK and hope to have the app available soon on Google Play. Comentadnos Probadla and what you think.

Download Chrome Remote Desktop beta (APK)
Chrome Remote Desktop beta (Mirror)

Application in Google Play

Via Reddit

Article Descarga and install the beta of Chrome Remote Desktop for Android was published in The Free Android (The Android Blog reference. Apps, News, Free Games and Android smartphones)

The Free Android