
Google Maps for Android: how to turn off the 3D buildings on the map

English - November 15, 2019

Image 1. Google Maps for Android: how to turn off the 3D buildings on the map

Google Maps adds a significant novelty in the last update. To the new layer Street View he now joins the new 3D layer, which allows us to activate or off the 3D representation of the buildings and monuments map.

Until now, est 3D layer was enabled by default and there was no way to turn it off, so you always saw a basic representative of the buildings in three dimensions without textures. Now we can clear the map of 3D polygons.

Image 2. Google Maps for Android: how to turn off the 3D buildings on the map

In Xataka Android

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3D buildings Layer

Image 3. Google Maps for Android: how to turn off the 3D buildings on the map

To disable the 3D buildings so you just have to click on the icon Layers and then uncheck the layer 3D which we will see in the section map Details. Destroys all elements in 3D and we will have only a vectorial map 2D.

turn Off the 3D layer allows us to clean the map for polygons of the buildings, which in the cities it is appreciated because it allows us to see with more clarity the map, because if we change the perspective of the map the buildings block the streets.

Image 4. Google Maps for Android: how to turn off the 3D buildings on the map

Maps – Navigation and public transport

Via | Android Police

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The news Google Maps for Android: how to turn off the 3D buildings on the map was originally published in Xataka Android by Cosmos.

Xataka Android