
Queen of Cups Tarot Card Meaning

Curiosities - August 28, 2019


Image 1. Queen of Cups Tarot Card Meaning

With the name of Queen of Cups, this card occupies the thirteenth place of the Cups club of the tarote lesser arcane,although on the other hand there are those who claim that it occupies the third place of the courtesan figures of the Cups club. On this occasion we offer a synthesis of the interpretations made by the experts in this divinatory method.

In this card – based on the tarot rider’s deck – we observe in profile the figure of a woman, who rests on a throne and holds a crown on her head, that is, we are in the presence of a queen.

The throne of this noblewoman is fully adorned with the images of mythological beings, who are cherubs with mermaid tails, as if he will try to point out with this symbol the ability to live in two worlds, on the one hand the terrestrial-material, represented by the human form of cherub; and on the other hand the intangible-emotional side, represented by the mermaid tails of these beings.

Equally under the throne of this queen flows a stream of water. She has one foot within the stream, while the other rests on the earth, also as a symbol of control and unfolding on the two planes of existence: material and spiritual.

In this sense, most tarotists have agreed that the Queen of Cups can refer to the individual’s ability to materialize in works what he conceives of ideas, that is to put into practice what his creativity dictates.

This card is taken by the cartomantics as one of the most positive cards of this divinatory method born in the Italian Medieval, because as they point out in it are the potentials of achieving great things in both worlds, through the putting in practice of well-focused and channelized mental ideas and creations.

Likewise, in her hand, the Queen holds a large golden cup, which for many is associated with the creative and artistic talent, represented in most symbols with which this card counts, considered by many to be the card with the most symbols of this deck.


Within a reading, the presence of the Queen of Cups speaks of the need to solve problems through love and dialogue. In the family sphere, the Queen of Cups talks about the obligation that the consultant faces to devote much more time to his family and home.

As for other planes of existence, such as the field of work and economics, this card conveys the message of never leaving aside our intuitive and psychic capacity, because it is she that will guide us to the good port. On the other hand, in the area of studies, the presence of this card can refer to a new stage where our dedication and the implementation of our talent will be indispensable.

If on the contrary it is to identify a specific person within the reading, the Queen of Cups may be referring to a woman who lives by her emotions, and who puts her heart and affections first and foremost. It also speaks of a woman devoted to love and feelings. If the consultant is a man, then the presence of this card will be interpreted as the kind of woman who yearns for herself.

In the event that our consultant is a woman, this card may also refer to how a particular man sees her. Likewise, according to the accompanying cards, the appearance of the Queen of Cups, may be transmittingto the person who comes to the tarot about the need to value feelings much more and to lead a slightly more emotional life.

It can also indicate the need to take more account of our ideas and our creative capacity. Value love as the ultimate human feeling.

This card also speaks of the need to be supportive, empathetic, loving and loving, both with the partner and our relatives. Thus also points to a new stage in the consultant where his intuition will be more active, even getting messages and guides through dreams and signals, since this card represents in the same way the communication that can be established between the material world and the spiritual one.

If it appears inverted

Like the other tarot cards, the Queen of Cups also has a specific meaning if it appears inverted, in which case it would take a direction inversely proportional to when it appears right. In this case, the inverted Cup Queen would speak precisely of the impossibility of communication and harmony between our material and spiritual world, as well as a stage of psychic and creative blockade.

In combination with other cards

Similarly, this card takes different meanings according to the accompanying cards. For example, if she appears alongsidethe Golden Seven, the Queen of Cups bears the news of the happy ending of a process or project.

In the company of Star Card it talks about the good and great projection that can be achieved in artistic work. It also has specific meanings if it appears inverted and in the company of other cards. If, for example, it is accompanied by Death announces that a woman (may be the consultant) will be the victim of a man’s rejection.

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