
How to check the quality of your mobile’s screen with Display Tester

English - July 11, 2017

Image 1. How to check the quality of your mobile’s screen with Display Tester

All smartphones have something in common: the screen is an essential element to be able to interact with him. The main problem is that, in addition to being extremely important, it is the most fragile part of the phone, so that we must have special care, but not only that it will not break.

The continued use of our smartphones makes the screen go to wear out or be susceptible to certain problems (that’s not counting that they can come from the factory). A good application to help you detect and solve (to the extent possible) problems with the screen is Display Tester, about which we will speak below.

What problems can have our screens?

Image 2. How to check the quality of your mobile’s screen with Display Tester

As we said before, the screen is one of the most delicate of our smartphone, so that it is more susceptible to problems, either due to defects in workmanship or due to use. However, let’s mention the most frequent problems that can be seen in a panel.

  • Burn-in: it Is an area of the screen that has been burned. This tends to happen because of images that are continuously fixed, as can be the notification bar or the navigation. The higher you have set the brightness, the more likely it is that this problem appears with the time. In addition, in the OLED screens where it is noted most frequently. You will notice this because you’ll see the corresponding image in any time you have the screen turned on.

  • dead Pixels: One pixel dead is a pixel that is not activated at the right time, for example, to display an image from a photo. This problem is usually associated with manufacturing defects, but wear can also be the culprit of a dead pixel. Are normally difficult to distinguish if you only have one or two.

  • Bugs in the touch: In this case the name says it all, and can be due to manufacturing defects, to improper use or to a stroke that affects you. This problem can occur in a specific part of the screen or all of it and is the problem that you are going to affect the time to interact with your mobile.

What can you do Display Tester for us?

Image 3. How to check the quality of your mobile’s screen with Display Tester

The main function of Display Tester is to check the quality of the screen of our phone of different shapes, as well as to detect possible faults that we suspect that it may have or we didn’t know were there.

Display Tester is divided into three main sections: information, tests, and basic repair of burn-in, leaving the developer tools as a separate option. The first of all provides just information about our screen, as the resolution, size, density or refresh rate, among other things.

basic Tests

Image 4. How to check the quality of your mobile’s screen with Display Tester

If we pass the tests of basic, here you will find what would be the core of the application and the part that I use the most is going to be given.

it Is in this section where you will find all the evidence that will tell us the quality of the screen and if you have some defect. The first test, in fact, is the one that serves to detect dead pixels or defective showing solid colors.

Other tests that we can carry out are the ‘Multi-touch’, in which we will be putting fingers to know how many of them detected (the majority of screens should detect 10 fingers at least), or angles of vision, a simple way to check how much quality you lose the image when you look at the screen from certain angles.

Another interesting test that can be performed is that of touch, where we will have to try coloring the entire surface of the green. With this test we can check if there is any part of the screen on which the touch has stopped working. There are more tests, all of them free, but the above mentioned are the most important, especially if you are looking for a problem.

Repair effect burn-in

Image 5. How to check the quality of your mobile’s screen with Display Tester

If the screen of your mobile has been a victim of the dreaded effect burn-in, then it is possible to use Display Tester to try to repair it. To do this, what it will do is generate an image with a pattern and go by moving it to try to the section “burn-in” of the screen is fixed.

There are several ways of repair, but only the first is free, for the others you’d have to buy the Pro version of Display Tester. In the free method that generates an image with black and white line changing from vertical to horizontal and vice versa, while in the rest of the modes the pattern of the image is different.

Image 6. How to check the quality of your mobile’s screen with Display Tester

Since I don’t have any mobile with the effect of burn-in, I have not been able to test if this tool is really effective, so if someone else has this problem, you can try to fix it and tell us about the experience in the comments.

The application is free to download and contains few ads, but if you want to remove them and, at the same time, unlock the Pro features, you’ll be able to shell out 1.44 euros. Do you use this application to verify that your display is in good condition?

Image 7. How to check the quality of your mobile’s screen with Display Tester

Display Tester

In Xataka Android | Take screenshots of entire chat conversation with LongScreenshot

The news How to check the quality of your mobile’s screen with Display Tester was originally published in Xataka Android by Santiago Luque.

Xataka Android