
The dog with a human face

Curiosities - December 1, 2019
Image 1. The dog with a human face

We have always heard it said that the dog is the best friend of the human being, and surely in many of the times it is in the most literal sense. However, the human being isn´t always the best friend of dogs or other animals, and doesn´t hesitate to sacrifice them.

And the case goes to such an extreme that a dog can be hit only by its physical condition, by its appearance. This time we see a case of animal abuse in which it was enough that the animal had a slight resemblance to human physiognomy.

The case came to light in early 2013 in Kentucky, United States, when an animal shelter entity saved the animal from certain death when, apparently, it was found in a slaughterhouse. The two-year-old dog was abandoned by its owners, apparently because of the peculiar characteristics of its face, which are quite similar to those of a human being.

After rescuing Tonik, the name with which it was baptized, a call was opened to give it up for adoption for the sum of 250 dollars.One of the mechanisms used was through,a website specialized in the adoption of animals.

One of the conditions required for those who wish to adopt it is that there are no children in the house because the animal doesn´t seem to have socialized much and requires a quiet environment, although those who have interacted with the animal say it is a loving dog.

Tonik had been abandoned in Indiana, but had reached Kentucky.The dog, which is a mixture between Poddle and Shin Tzu, caused a stir in social networks and, although there has been no more news of the canine friendly, everything indicates that it was adopted.

Image: (modificada)