
Jarvis, the personal assistant of Iron Man, on your iOS

English - September 15, 2013

Siri is not the only option available to us to control our voice device and search for information on it, so for those who already have tired of hearing the voice of the wizard in iOS default we present an alternative, as it can be replace by the same assistant Siri that uses Iron Man: the famous Jarvis. Obviously it does not have voice recognition features that Apple wizard, but this really is an app free and compulsory for any fan of Marvel.

The application, developed by the same Marvel for this replicate to perfection the voice and appearance of Tony Stark himself assistant allows us to interact with Jarvis to perform actions such as local weather consultation or future events you have to attend.

At first Jarvis sent us a series of voice prompts to set the basic settings (eg deployed establish how data or treat as Mr. or Ms.) and to become familiar with it and use. All orders must start with “Jarvis” followed by the word you want to obtain information. We can keep using the same Jarvis events to then remind us when we choose.

As detailed for true fans of the series, Jarvis also acts as a second screen and remote controller in case have available the Blu-Ray of Iron Man 3. You can get off Jarvis free on this link to iTunes for iPod Touch, iPhone and iPad.

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