
Online or Real Casino Dealer. Which is the Best Job?

Article, Business, English - June 18, 2021
Image 1. Online or Real Casino Dealer. Which is the Best Job?
Source: Unsplash

The world of casinos has always been a glamorous one as well as being an intriguing one in which to become involved. There are a number of potential openings, but there’s one in particular that is especially appealing for anyone wanting to get to know the business from the ground up.

The dealer is ideally positioned to learn the ins and outs of all the games and to get a real feel for the psychology of players. It’s also a very social role that can bring you into contact with many different groups of people and personalities.

There was a time when this would just have involved working in a so-called “bricks and mortar” casino but recent years have seen the rise of the online live casino. With it, many more opportunities to learn the business of dealing. But, given that there a quite a number of differences between them, which is best?

First, let’s look at the games that you can learn. In a physical casino, it’s generally limited to the favourites like roulette, blackjack, baccarat, and craps. But anyone wanting to play live casino games at Paddy Power or other leading online casinos will see the choice is far wider.

Image 2. Online or Real Casino Dealer. Which is the Best Job?
Source: Unsplash

This means that the online dealer will have the chance to master all of these, as well as a number of variants. Plus there are a wide number of “spin the wheel” type games to learn as well as less well-known methods of betting like Sic Bo, a dice-based game that originated in the Far East.

We’ve already mentioned is that the public-facing element of being a dealer is an important part of the job for some people. You might think that this is only possible when the dealer and player are physically in the same place. But most live online casinos also have a chat function so it is possible for the dealer to build up quite a rapport with players, even though it’s not quite the same as face-to-face interaction.

There are also a number of practical considerations to be considered and skills that are essential for dealers to have, with one of these being the need to be good at maths. For the “live” live dealer, they are in charge of taking of bets and handing out winnings so their mental maths ability has to be spot on. Things are a little easier for the online dealer as the software that runs the site takes care of this for them.

Then there’s the question of flexibility. Few physical casinos are open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, but all online casinos are. So the online dealer has to be prepared to work some fairly antisocial hours.

So, as to which is a better option for a would-be dealer, it’s very much up to the individual. Yes, being in the room is more involving but working online gives more choice and flexibility. Given these options, maybe it’s just a question of tossing a coin and going with the result of that particular wager.