
How to manually configure the Wi-fi connection on a Android mobile

English - June 10, 2019

Image 1. How to manually configure the Wi-fi connection on a Android mobile

The mode in which we connect to a Wifi connection is almost always the same: look for it among the available networks which we want to connect and after typing in your password, if necessary. However, sometimes you might need to configure the connection manually.

This is especially necessary if the Wifi connection to which you are connecting has the hidden SSID, although it will also help if you need to establish beforehand some specific settings before you connect. This is how you can set up a Wifi connection manuelmente in your Android mobile.

1. Add a new connection

The first step is to go to the settings Wifi. You can get there from the settings of Android, although it is faster to make a long touch on the quick setting for Wifi. This opens directly to the section of Wifi connections to Android, where you must tap Add network.

Image 2. How to manually configure the Wi-fi connection on a Android mobile

note that the menus change slightly of a layer of customization for Android to another. This button to add Wi-fi network can be a button or be hidden in a menu in some layers.

Image 3. How to manually configure the Wi-fi connection on a Android mobile

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2. Name and security

The first thing that you need to configure to add a Wifi network manually it is network name or, what is the same, your SSID. You must enter it as is, respecting the uppercase and lowercase letters of the access point or router.

Image 4. How to manually configure the Wi-fi connection on a Android mobile

Another important detail to configure is security type: WEP, WPA/WPA2 PSK, 802.1 x EAP, or other possibilities that could show up in different versions of Android, and layers. To a Wifi network without a password you choose Any, while those that are protected need to specify the type of security and add the password. If you don’t know the type of encryption and has a password, the more likely it is that it is WPA/wPA2 PSK, then WEP encryption have long ago ceased to be safe.

3. Advanced options

Image 5. How to manually configure the Wi-fi connection on a Android mobile

With the above data will be sufficient in the great majority of cases, but if the Wifi connection has specific requirements, you can indicate playing in advanced Options. This displays additional options that, generally, you do not need to change. There are four:

When finished, tap on Save and your manual will be recorded in the system. If it is a connection with the SSID visible, it will automatically connect when in range. If not, you’ll have to connect manually by tapping on it.

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The news How to manually configure the WiFi connection to a Android mobile was originally published in Xataka Android by Ivan Ramirez.

Xataka Android