
Lord fasting for 120 days only drinking water

English - January 7, 2016

Olivia Cohen performed for religious reasons three fasts forty days, drinking only water and a multivitamin.

Olivia Cohen began in 2011 40-day fast motivated by a religious and spiritual background. Olivia remain drinking only water for 40 days to eat again for seven days during the Passover, the פֶּסַח.

The Olivia own explained well in his Youtube channel, where it is described as a private person and quiet, but I thought to share their experience publicly could be motivational for spiritual people, and informative for scientists.

At the request of her husband, during the diet took a multivitamin that included typical dose of iron, potassium, vitamin B-12, sodium, etc.

He wanted to become the woman God wished it to be, not wanting to lose weight, experimentation or other reasons.

After the first stage of fasting, similar to that practiced Moses or Jesus Christ according to the Bible and the Torah, Olivia showed attentive, and happy that God had blessed and eager to be able to eat again.

Second fasting

After the Passover, Olivia prepared to return to fasting for another 40 days until Shavuot, שבועות, the Jewish holiday that commemorates when God gave the Torah to Moses at Sinai.

After fasting, he said Olivia feel in better health than expected, and that the experience had been enriching for her. He also said we would eat if found wrong, but so far had not been the case, although it had been hard.

Four days of normal diet after starting his third forty-day fast.

Third fasting

After 40 days, and about to finish his third fast, offered the first data of its weight, had spent about 46 kg even after starting their fasts with about 91 kg. Video reaffirmed his thanks and thoughts about God and his family.

He noted that it was easier when he prayed for his children during fasting and prayer helped him up even more. It showed very happy to be able to eat again, but did not want to focus on the food, and another in God. And anxious to see what would bring God after his fast.

After fasting

One month after the last fasting, he published a new video recounting their experiences eating normally again. His body began to gain weight back quickly, but his body was not prepared to eat a lot and had to eat in small portions.

After thanking God for support during fasting, said to feel spiritually better and that his life had changed for the better in many ways.

Five months later, six after the end of the third fasting, had managed to keep the weight about 55 kilograms, and announced she was pregnant with her eighth child, who born seven months later.

All that was between 2009 and early 2011. In late 2014 family was in tenth son, and announced to her children. Shortly after the video, her husband Aaron died of a brain tumor.
