
The dark secret of Paul McCartney

English - January 17, 2023
Image 1. The dark secret of Paul McCartney

In the mid-60’s, the Beatles were the sensation of the moment, in many nations around the world. The boom in the sale of their records was exorbitant, but those boys who made up the musical group could not bear the psychological pressure of fame and money.

Paul McCartney and John Lennon seemed to be the most desirable of all the members. In fact, the two of them composed the largest number of songs. But everything would have changed, when that alleged calamity with Paul happened, where it is speculated he died and had to be replaced. Let’s see all the details of this theory that has been gaining more and more strength since then: “Paul McCartney’s dark secret”:

According to this legend that has gained great popularity on the web, McCartney would have had an accident in his vehicle in 1966, when after a strong disagreement with his companions he left enraged to the point where he did not care at all to notice the traffic lights; that’s when a cargo truck rammed into him at high speed and knocked him out of existence.

The first to be informed of the incident was the Beatles’ manager, Brian Epstein. The magnitude of the accident was such that Paul was completely unrecognizable and that would be taken advantage of by the music industry, so that the overwhelming success that the English rock band had obtained would not collapse. Mysteriously, that individual from the traffic accident was never identified, it was only reported that a young subject was behind the wheel.

The fake paul

A notable change in McCartney, before and after 1966, seems evident. It is said that Epstein, the manager, had the brilliant and crazy idea of looking for a double of the musician, someone with very similar physical features. Some say they found an almost identical boy named William Campbell, who would have been trained to play bass and act like the real Paul did.

It was not until 1969, when thousands of fans accused the band of cheating with McCartney’s reality. Around that time, radio stations began to use that theme in the most famous urban legends in history.

An outstanding student from the University of Michigan, Fred Labour, elaborated a detailed analysis of the theory, which was published in the newspaper of his alma mater, in which the curiosities and coincidences of the Abbey Road album cover were highlighted, revealing that something very serious was going on with Paul.

People started making comparisons with Beatle photographs before ’66 and after that date. Most agree that there are very pronounced differences in the face, in the voice and in everything. Theories claim that the other members of the group wanted to somehow show the world their dissatisfaction with what happened with McCartney and dedicated themselves to leaving clues everywhere.

The strange clues on the album covers

All those clues that they allegedly left behind have been pointed out in some of the covers of their albums, such as that of Sgt. Pepper’s, where the Beatles appear dressed as soldiers, in the midst of various celebrity faces, such as Bob Dylan, Cassius Clay, Marilyn Monroe, Shirley Temple, among others. On the left side, there are some wax sculptures of the four musicians, only they are younger and they are in front of what appears to be an uncovered tomb.

But as if that were not enough, Paul is the only one of the four who has his back turned in the image on the back cover of that album and all these factors have been interpreted by many as evidence that something serious happened to the Beatle. There are many more details that little by little have continued to be found.

Above Paul McCartney, there is an open hand, just like the symbol of death so well known in the East, such as in the Jain Hand religion, which considers it as the symbol of the reincarnation of the soul. And it is that they were obsessed with Hindu culture, especially George Harrison.

However, there is a part of those who believe that it is true that there is a web of secrets behind the Beatles, who think that everything has been strategically provoked by the industry that manages the band, because looking at the statistics, you can see a significant increase in sales and popularity, since conspiracy theories have taken more and more force.

This theory has been denied on several occasions by McCartney and other members of the Beatles. McCartney has pointed out on several occasions that this theory is nonsense and he has tried to discredit the “evidence” presented by the defenders of said idea. In addition, the musician argues that there is a large amount of documentary evidence, such as recordings, photographs, and video recordings that show him live and in action from 1966 to the present.