
How to Update Samsung Galaxy Note 1 to Android 4.3

English - September 28, 2013

how to upgrade android samsung galaxy note 1 4 3 6 How to Update Samsung Galaxy Note 1 to Android 4.3

Today I share with you all the way to update our Samsung Galaxy Note 1, N7000 model to Android 4.3 by in order to function in this sensational Android terminal which Samsung and not even know it exists.

To achieve this we have rooteado the device and the modified Recovery installed, then I explain all the steps so you wont have any problems.

First Step: get Root permissions

 how to update samsung android galaxy note 1 4 3 1 How to Update Samsung Galaxy Note 1 to Android 4.3

The first thing you have to do to update our unofficially Samsung Galaxy Note 1 to Android 4.3 will get access to all system files know about our Android device, that we will succeed with a free app created by XDA Developers developers, the application is called Framaroot and this post are the details on it.

Second step: installing the modified Recovery

how to upgrade android samsung galaxy note 1 4 3 2 How to update Samsung Galaxy Note 1 to Android 4.3

To install the Recovery modified in our Samsung Galaxy Note 1 N7000 model, we will do likewise with a and also created by XDA developers , the application is called Recovery-Tools-OneClickFlash and then step you link to .

width: 40px! important, width: 40px! important “>
[ROOT] Recovery Tools – Flasher
Price: Free


download necessary files and flash the Rom

unofficial update our Samsung Galaxy Note N7000 model we use a cooked Rom team Helly Bean which is one of the best development teams that we can find in the world of Android scene.

as upgrade android samsung galaxy note 1 4 3 3 How to Update Samsung Galaxy Note 1 to Android 4.3

We can download the rom directly from this link, but at the top of the page you see HellyBean 4.2 the rom to download is Android version 4.3, the last to date and updated on September 27.

We downloaded the latest Google native applications or Gapps from this link.

After downloading both files the copy them without descopmprimir at the root of the internal sdcard Our Samsung Galaxy Note, activate USB debugging from the settings and check that the battery is fully charged.

One of the things that you do not I have is that once you have installed the Recovery modified, it is essential to make a backup from Recovery itself, this is called nandroid Backup and will help us to easily recover your terminal in case of a bad flash.

Also it is essential to make a in case we give the problem of loss of IMEI of our device.

After copying both ZIP files to internal memory the device and having taken into account the above caveats, we can restart in Recovery Mode and proceed to the installation and to update our flash Samsung Galaxy note 1 to Android 4.3.

Flashing Instructions

how to upgrade android samsung galaxy note 1 April 3 5 How to Update Samsung Galaxy Note 1 to Android 4.3

  • Wipe data factory reset
  • Wipe cache

  • aprtition
  • Advanced / wipe dalvik cache
  • Go Back
  • Install zip from sdcard
  • Choose zip
  • select the zip

  • rom and confirm the installation.
  • Choose zip back
  • select the zip of the rom and re-confirm
  • Choose zip

  • again
  • Select the Gapps zip and confirm the installation.
  • Reboot system now.

With this we will have updated your Samsung Galaxy Note 1 to Android version 4.3, that although Samsung says it is not compatible with older terminals, here we demonstrate that lie like scoundrels.

More – How Rooting your Android with Framaroot terminal

Download – , Rom Helly Beam 4.3, Gapps Android 4.3

Article How to Update Samsung Galaxy Note 1 to Android 4.3 has been originally published in Androidsis.


Image 1. How to Update Samsung Galaxy Note 1 to Android 4.3 Image 2. How to Update Samsung Galaxy Note 1 to Android 4.3 Image 3. How to Update Samsung Galaxy Note 1 to Android 4.3 Image 4. How to Update Samsung Galaxy Note 1 to Android 4.3 Image 5. How to Update Samsung Galaxy Note 1 to Android 4.3
