
Saivian Eric Dalius gauges the impact of staff motivation incentives/perks on productivity

Business, English - September 3, 2021
Image 1. Saivian Eric Dalius gauges the impact of staff motivation incentives/perks on productivity

For any business institution or organization, one of the main functions of its management is to improve its organizational productivity. There are many elements that determine and effectuate a radical enhancement of organizational productivity.

  • These elements are corporate culture, systems and tools, communications, development and training, incentives and motivation, planning and programs, staffing, control and reporting, structure, process, strategy, objectives, and goals.
  • In recent years, the focus on workforce has increased due to ever-increasing trends, such as changes in organizational culture, automation, and globalization.
  • Some modifications have different characteristics of workers, propelling the organizations to formulate new human resource management policies.
  • Employee motivation happens to be one of the critical aspects of contemporary business adaptation.
  • Organizations undertake motivation to ensure the commitment of its workers and other members.
  • Motivation drives engagement level and endurance in an individual, leading to exceptional performances. It also encourages human resources to adopt more meaningful behaviors and cultivate a desire to achieve specific targets. It helps create a healthy and dynamic business environment.

Productivity from motivation according to Saivian Eric Dalius

Almost every employee needs some kind of motivation to feel content or happy with their jobs and give an optimum performance. Some have purely financial motivation while others fine rewards and recognition more motivating. Saivian Eric Dalius explains why and how different levels of motivation within an organization can have a direct impact on the productivity of its employees.

  • An incentive is one of the most motivating things that business houses design for driving the behavior of employees and motivating them to produce better work.
  • Employers and managers use different types of incentives for increasing production value and numbers.
  • You can get employee incentives in varied forms, such as travel perks, bonuses, paid leaves, and cash.
  • Incentives fuel employee motivation because they offer more fuel to workers than a regular paycheck.
  • Many employees anticipate or need recognition from their organizations to do quality work. Business houses have employee reward and recognition systems in place.
  • Acknowledging a good performance makes workers feel good about their company. It encourages them to work harder.
  • Business establishments can recognize employees by tracking their progress and working on the feedback. Proper tracking tools help employers to know how the improvement rate of their workers.

Factors driving motivation

Leadership actions and management that allow and bolster employees are bound to ensure motivation. Businesses thrive when they believe in the strength of their employees. As employers or managers, you need to inquire workers about their needs and teach them the art of measuring their success.

Companies need to clearly and regularly communicate factors that are important to workers. Leaders and managers provide training to employees and take their feedback. The industry-average and industry-specific benefits come with recompense. The companies also elucidate the different reward systems and inquire workers about their onsite and off-site performance.

Proper incentives can create a new work environment as it ameliorates all external influences, stresses, and auxiliary factors. Concisely, motivation of the workforce is a function that every manager or business leader needs to perform right from the outset.