
Uber hacked several accounts have been used in China

Business, English - September 24, 2015

Several users Uber, which is reinforcing its strategy in the Chinese market, have had their accounts hacked and used for shuttling fraudulent in the country.

Growing Pains in the family, and in itself complicated, Uber. Another, this time in China. For once not from the side of its legality or demands from disgruntled taxi drivers, who also had those already in China. This time comes on the heels of security and its foray into China.

Some users have seen their Uber hacked accounts. Appear to be, as published Motherboard, who have received complaints amounts and trips made in several cities in China without the account holders had set foot in the country.

For the moment, according to users who have complained to the account via Uber Twitter, the platform is trying to solve the problem but has not yet returned the amounts recovered or safety of hacked accounts. Accounts sold on the network by about 40 cents per user, and which have affected people in Europe and the United States mainly.

However, is not first time Uber faces cracks in safety; even drivers have been affected. In March 2015, already filtró information on which it was announced that thousands of accounts of drivers, namely 50,000, roamed free for use Intenet data and all of those employees.

All this controversy matches also with strong strategy to enter the Chinese market that is holding the company to be strong relative to high competition with other services already established there. Uber just released in Beijing the uberCOMMUTE, a service for sharing routes with users who go to the same destination.
