
Watstat analyzes the use of our WhatsApp

English - July 4, 2013

There is no doubt that WhatsApp is the explanation of the tremendous expansion of data rates on the phones. The advantage of being able to save on SMS for life, in addition to added to have internet access from mobile, with all that this implies, is a bait more than enough for virtually any user of a mobile phone. application is not missing anyone, and the basic reason for using the telephone, dare I exclude calls.

It is normal to have developed WhatsApp application ecosystem around, and today is a good example. An application of pure utility that will tell us what we give to use WhatsApp on your mobile phone. An application should all install as you will discover lots of interesting information about yourself.

Watstat to WhatsApp

This application is a gem. For starters, has an excellent design, showing information by the style Holo cards. Everything is very clean, has side menu and the entire application is very meticulous. And when we entered the functionality the thing does nothing but improve.

Watstat collects all possible information your phone WhatsApp on first boot. Once done, it will be able to show an incredible amount of information of all kinds on the use we make of WhatsApp. is your only role, offering WhatsApp usage information, but we can ensure that it does extremely well.

We will

a bit familiar with the interface and the information displayed once made it all very easy because it follows the same pattern. Startup will see a summary card, which will show the top of our contacts with the most talked about. We can see in the same way with the groups. If you click on one of these contacts or groups will access the contact card itself.

We will find the number of messages with that contact, the groups in which it is present, then the graphic interesting. On the one hand we see a histogram which day of the week is the busiest with that contact, and another card with a graph of activity during daylight hours. Sure you can detect a pattern in the hours or days. The next set of cards is on the distribution of messages.

On the one hand we see which of the two is the one who initiates the conversation more often, and another chart which will see the distribution of messages. Finally also see an historic total posts per day, for weeks, for months or even years. This is the total of information that we can see a contact. We can see it from any of our contacts, and any of our groups. In the case of the groups is interesting to see who is the initiator of conversations, or who is the heaviest of the group.

Finally we see generic data about us by the side menu. In this section we structured information in the same way, but without filtering by any contact, but only between us and the rest of the world. We can find interesting information about ourselves, see if we are initiators of talks, if we talk more than our contacts or not, or monthly or weekly patterns we can detect.

In any case is a bunch of interesting facts for any type of user, which will be reflected in your own data. A very good application, totally free and worked very well, recommended for anyone who uses WhatsApp, which is worldwide.

Application on Google Play

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