
He discovered that his wife was a man after 20 years

Curiosities, English - December 19, 2022
Image 1. He discovered that his wife was a man after 20 years

They say that this world is a world of deceit and falsehoods, where the best can become the worst and vice versa. Where lies are most seen is in relationships, since fidelity has become a utopia.

A great sage warned that nothing is hidden between heaven and earth, but to the subject that we will present below, his wife cheated on him for almost 20 years, but not with another man, because the man was her. This is the story of a man who discovered that he had lived with and cohabited with a man for almost two decades, convinced that it was a woman:

He ended up in a psychiatric clinic

Such was the impact of what Jan had just discovered about his wife, a 64-year-old man, that he had to be admitted to a psychiatric clinic for emergency care. After 19 long years of marriage, he realized that he had been with a man who thought he was a woman and who called himself Monica. The events took place in Belgium and astonished the whole world.

It is very difficult for a lie to be sustained for so long, especially when it comes to sharing intimacy with someone else. But when all the evidence and suspicions of the case came together, it was time for Jan to face a situation he describes as “hellish and absurdly painful”. He realized it all: that his spouse was actually a male individual who had had an operation and changed his gender.

When they met, she, or rather he, had just arrived from abroad in Belgium, the country to which she had emigrated in search of new opportunities and a new life. That’s when she met Jan, who quickly fell in love and gave her his nationality and joined her in holy matrimony.

And despite the fact that the authorities at the time expressed their suspicions about the authenticity of the person’s papers, Jan was more and more in love and paid no attention to these doubts and insisted on making her his wife. The betrayed man, when questioned by the media, said with deep pain:

“I feel I have been assaulted, I brought her to Belgium. And that was not easy. The Belgian courts had serious doubts about the authenticity of her birth and her identity documents. I always thought she was an attractive woman, all woman; and she had no masculine features.”

Jan had already had a marriage before, from which two children were left, which is why he no longer thought of procreating with his new partner, so he never demanded first-born children from her. She adds that all the time, year after year, she was the victim of a very well staged farce, because even the sanitary napkins she was pretending to him. And what is even more surprising: in bed she never noticed anything strange either, and this is due to the fact that she is an operated person.

They spent years and years living together as a very close and in love couple. If it had not been for the intervention of the eldest of their children and some people close to them, perhaps the man would have continued to be involved in the lie. It was all thanks to the fact that every weekend the boy visited erotic clubs and bars and in one of them he saw Monica, telling all the details of her transformation to those who would listen.

At first, Jan couldn’t believe it, nor did he allow himself to doubt it for a second. But at people’s insistence, coupled with his keen observation, he managed to penetrate the computer files of the woman he had always considered his wife and found a series of photographs and passionate conversations with other men.

When he was filled with all the motives, one night he questioned her in a terrible quarrel, in which they even came to assault each other. She couldn’t take it anymore and ended up confessing that she was born male, but over the years “became a woman”. So much for that. The man felt the worst pain of his life and went into a nervous shock from which it took him many months to come out, and was hospitalized in a mental hospital.

The couple met in Indonesia. At the time, Jan was 43 years old and Monica was 27. Their relationship began with a few months of dating and they formalized their union in the city of Antwerp, so that she could obtain her European citizenship card, since she came from North America.

Definitely, this event marked forever an indelible mark in the life of this man, who in his own words says:

“I always thought she was an attractive woman, a woman, and she had no masculine features… She deceived me by pretending to have menstruation, she used sanitary towels to hide the truth from me. Even during intimacy, I never noticed anything,” Jan explained to the media.