
X Best Services for Students

Business, English - December 2, 2020
Image 1. X Best Services for Students

The student often has to write reports on laboratory work, write essays, and explanatory notes. In this case, one has to deal with photographs, drawings, which have to be processed and inserted into documents. In general, they face many problems and fortunately, the Internet can help in solving most of the problems. Below we present 10 essential services for students.

1. Grammarly

This is a service for checking written texts. It helps to correct grammatical and stylistic mistakes. A free version is available, as well as a Premium that expands access to additional features. The paid version allows users to check text directly in Microsoft Word. In addition, they gain access to 250+ text checking rules and the ability to analyze 30 different writing styles (academic, technical, formal business, conversational, etc.) Plugins can be installed for both Word and browser (Chrome, Safari, or Firefox). The second option is more convenient because the system will check not only the text in Word, but also messages in social networks, official letters, and the like.

2. EssayShark

Thanks to essay writing service EssayShark you can not worry about the quality of the work performed, personally communicate with the authors, and even if you remember the day before delivery, they will help you. Writing term papers is not easy and quite responsible, which requires not only certain knowledge and skills but also a lot of time. But to complete such tasks, modern students do not always find the opportunity, since many are forced to work and complete numerous tasks in the course. Therefore, the execution of the coursework to order is the best option for students.

3. Coursera

Application is a mobile version of the eponymous training service on the Internet, where users can sign up for paid and free courses or lectures on topics of interest to them. Coursera has a huge selection of highly specialized materials or, conversely, general education training. Courses and lessons are available in literally all important and not so disciplines, exact and human sciences, subsections, and branches. To find what you are looking for, you can use the search, select the top popular, top paid, or free.

4. ABBYY FineScanner AI

The ABBYY FineScanner AI application is a highly targeted program for recognizing texts, pages, lectures, lectures, books, manuals, and so on. Using the application, you can create a scanned file in PDF, DOCX, XLSX, PPTX, JPG, and other popular formats from any printed or handwritten page. There is also a text recognition system in 193 languages ​​of the world, as well as uploading ready-made results to mail, to cloud storage, to other smartphones, and so on. If desired, through ABBYY FineScanner AI and its BookScan function, you can scan book or magazine publications in full form with automatic separation of spreads, removal of page defects, and creating an editable copy of each page.

5. SpeechTexter

An application with an electronic voice recorder that can translate speech into text. An incredibly handy thing for lectures and lessons. The transformation magic was entrusted to the artificial intelligence Cloud Speech API, which is used in the Google Assistant voice assistant. SpeechTexter translates speech into text format in over 60 languages. If necessary, the program works without the Internet, but for this, you need to download the required language pack.

6. Timetable

If earlier we wrote down the schedule of classes in a diary or on a piece of paper, which we then successfully lost or forgot, now everything happens on a smartphone. The Timetable app is a great option. It can show the schedule of lessons or pairs, give information about teachers and subject, duration and homework. The schedule can be arranged in colors, and in addition to the Android version, there are options on other platforms that are synchronized with each other. Naturally, for all this to be displayed, you need to fill in all the data once, and then enjoy the convenience, increased self-organization, and order in your head. In the most severe case of forgetfulness, the main information is displayed on the screen as a widget.

7. Skillshare

A cool educational portal, where the author’s cycles of video lectures on interesting topics are collected, contributes to the general development and broadening of horizons. The project has been working since 2012, during its existence, up to 4000 materials have been published (half of them concern important modern technologies and achievements of fundamental science), about 800 scientists from various research fields have been involved (there are even representatives of foreign science and Nobel laureates). All materials are grouped into the following main sections: topics (general rubricator), watch (videos, broadcasts, courses), read (magazine, books, FAQ, tests), library, games, courses.

8. MyScript Calculator

Endless calculations and long multi-level formulas are a sad reality for any technical student. If you use a regular mobile calculator, calculations have to be carried out in several stages, with inevitable errors and recalculations over and over again. This problem is solved by MyScript Calculator – a calculator with support for handwriting input, which allows you not only to write down calculations in full, but also not to bother with driving in degrees and roots, but to write in the same way as in a notebook – the application itself will translate what is written into signs and give the result. Thus, the probability of error is minimized, and speed and convenience are increased.

9. Nike+ Training Club

Students often forget about this, but in order to study well, it is worth keeping in shape: if the body is too tired, the mind also stops working well. Exercise is great for breaks (especially during a session). Nike + Training Club is a good free sports app. It contains a lot of workouts of different directions: stretching, strength, cardio. All of them are accompanied by detailed explanations and video instructions from famous trainers.

10. Meditopia

Students are under a lot of stress, so you need to take care of your mental health as well. Meditopia is a meditation and mental health app with over three million users worldwide that offers mindfulness exercises, meditations, 7-day programs, and sleep music developed by scientists, mindfulness practitioners, and yoga instructors. You can learn to meditate, practice mindfulness, listen to soothing music with sounds of nature, use the timer for meditation, and focus on different topics through dedicated programs.