How to protect yourself from black wizards, witches and bad energies

There are certain hidden conjures that, when pronounced correctly, emit powerful energy radiations of superior type and Divinal, which immediately envelop the place and the practitioner in a fully protected environment.

La Pentalfa or Five Pointed Star

How to protect yourself from black wizards, witches and bad energies


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The Five-Pointed Star, or Pentalfa, is a powerful electromagnetic talisman of Light that protects anyone who visualizes it.  This conjuration consists of vividly imagining the Microcosmic star formed in the back, enclosed by a magical circle. While drawing in the Creator Imagination, a Sacred Mantram must be pronounced that the Letter says: KLIM-KRISHNAYA-GOVINDAYA-GOPIJANA-VALLABHAYA-SWA HA.

This allows the practical student to remain fully protected against attacks by the Black Lodge, such as witches and sorcerers who steal the Sexual Energy especially from those who save it, who are the students of the Hidden Sciences. That’s why we must always be protected. It is also recommended to find the physical talisman manufactured with the seven metals. But when you visualize it and pronounce the mantras, it’s enough when you visualize it and pronounce the mantras. It should always be done when leaving the house, from work, when going on a trip, when sleeping at night, when getting up every day and when needed.

Mantra Belilín

Another basic spell to learn and practice is the Belilín mantra. It scares away the evil forces and energies of the environment. To sing it, you must focus on your heartbeat or bleft, without accepting any thoughts, or doing anything else. Then, sing by visualizing each word like this:

“Belilín, Belilín, Belilín,
Salvation Amphora,
I’d like to be with you,
Materialism has no strength beside me,
Belilín, Belilín, Belilín.”

“Belilín, Belilín, Belilín,
Salvation Amphora,
I’d like to be with you,
Materialism has no strength beside me,
Belilín, Belilín, Belilín.”

“Belilín, Belilín, Belilín,
Salvation Amphora,
I’d like to be with you,
Materialism has no strength beside me,
Belilín, Belilín, Belilín.”

It must be sung every night before bed, with a straight spine and with full concentration, imagination and will. Also in times of danger, to calm fights, conflicts; harmonize environments and places, always before any esoteric mystical practice.

The Magic Circle

After singing Belilín, the protection ritual is perfect complemented if a Magic Circle of Protection is drawn around where we are, so that no negative entity can enter there, let alone harm us. Not at all, no evil entity can penetrate one of these magical protective circles.

Procedure: focus on your heartbeat, skipping any thoughts and not doing anything else. The deep Inner God should be asked to command the Elemental Intercessor, who is our own Guardian Angel, but only obeys the Father, to leave our physical body and draw a magical circle of protection around the area in which we are located.

After the request, fully identifying with the Being, feeling like God himself, ordaining in a military voice as follows: “Elementary Intercessor, Elementary Intercessor, Elementary Intercessor, work in the name of christ, by the Power of Christ and by Majesty Christ.” Clearly visualize the angel come out of our head and draw the magic circle from left to right, for the hands of the clock.

In turn, we pronounce the mantram sssssssssssssssss for each circle you trace with imagination. In total, three are plotted. Three crystallizes.

Jupiter’s Spell

This injuction helps us defend ourselves from a direct and immediate attack. It may be from a rabid animal or a negative entity willing to assto us, or of someone who tries to attack us, or to verify the Real Origin and Presence of a Master, among other great uses.

Procedure: focus on the bleft or heart, or both if possible. With the left hand we cover the solar plexus and with the right hand we make the mudra of Jupiter. We pronounce in a military voice the mantram decree: “In the name of Jupiter, Father of the Gods I conjure you VIGOS COSLIM” and we visualize leaving the mudra of the right hand a powerful Ray of Violet Fire that is directed to the heart of the objective by conjuring.

The operation must be repeated three times, due to the crystallization effect of the Law of Three. These are the basic spells, but there are many more powerful, hidden, and powerful. But when the student proceeds to more hidden places, these magical keys will be revealed to him to continue to defeat in the Great Battle.

None of these magic artifices work without prior energy savings. A fornicator, that is, someone who spills his seminal liquid into orgasms and ejaculations, will never enjoy the benefits and power of them, even if he pronounces them a million times. Scientific Chastity is the basis of all the actual studies of practical esotericism.

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Bibliography ► (June 30, 2019). How to protect yourself from black wizards, witches and bad energies. Recovered from