
Browser hijackers: how to ‘kidnap’ browsers and how to remove them

English - September 15, 2013


  • ‘browser hijackers’ are malwares that can severely slow down of computer operation.
  • There are programs to steal data or defraud But they can take pages to do so.
  • usually change the home page and bombarded with advertising popups dubious, especially gambling and pornography.
  • Some examples are Delta Search, and Babylon Search.
  • There are a number of programs from functioning and able to erase browser hijackers.

The ‘browser hijackers’ (which literally translates ‘browser hijackers’) is a malware as old as the same browsers. While not as dangerous as other programs, the fact is that they can slow down your PC performance and hinder the work of the user.

There are programs to steal data or cheat, but it can lead to pages to do so, as explained from href=”” Consumer” . Camouflaged in other programs are installed in browsers computers running Windows, change the home page and bombarded with advertising popups dubious, especially gambling and pornography. And in extreme cases, may even distort the searches we do on Google at your convenience.

An example is Delta Search, although other browser hijackers. Not much different in appearance from the typical bars which engage in all kinds of Windows browsers to provide new commands and features. An example is the classic bar Yahoo!. However, its purpose is quite different: to attack the user’s computer and force you to consume advertising through unwanted pop-ups on the screen uncontrollably. Much of this advertising is for services of dubious origin that offer adult content or game online here, if not directly the alleged purchase of banned or at very advantageous, which is just a way to scam.

In cases of extreme aggressiveness of this malware, distorts the search bar that makes the user’s search and offers results related to advertising that forces him to see, making the browser becomes almost useless.

Similar to Delta Search are and Babylon Search, whose victims also fill Internet forums for help and advice.

How are they in the browser?

Delta as both Outrate or Babylon, the input method is similar: to download a program from an unofficial site and unknown (or poorly monitored by their creators) in which an offender has been camouflaging the program, the visit to gambling sites or adult, or viewing a video for which is required to install and run a certain program. And if we are not careful, also downloading files on P2P networks can expose to the activation of a browser hijacker.

The best way to avoid disappointment is that users Windows” Windows are imposed strong a filter when staff download both as to open unknown files. Usually, this operating system blocks downloads of this type of malware, but sometimes we ourselves who, by impatience, give permission to download without reading the warning system. Therefore, should heed the warnings of the program if we flee from these problems.

At other times, the kidnappers are modified and act before the security systems Windows detect these changes. This circumstance is favored because these programs take refuge in some legal ambiguity, for they say that the user receives a service in exchange for viewing advertising. In the case of Delta Search, on their website ensures a refined search and offers an uninstall mode for different browsers.

As uninstall

There are a number of programs of good performance and able to clear the browser hijackers. Many of them can be downloaded for free and used at least once in a trial before buying. You can use this test to eliminate the kidnappers along with other malware that have accumulated on your computer unknowingly.

The best option is to try to remove manually the kidnapper. The system we use will vary depending on a particular browser: Internet Explorer, Chrome or Firefox.

If we find Delta Search bar (and the other ‘kidnappers’ above) in your browser, the first thing to do is uninstall the system program and erase root. To do this, we will go to the ‘Control Panel’ and section ‘Add or remove programs’ select Delta Search Toolbar and give the button ‘Uninstall’. After uninstalling this program, we must remove the old version of Delta Search that had been generated in the browser. To do this, in Internet Explorer you must go to ‘Internet Options’ and change the home page. In Firefox also have to go to general settings and delete Delta Search page homepage. In Chrome the process is more complicated: it should go under “Settings” in the section on ‘Search’, select “Manage Search Engines”. There will detect, among others from a list, to Delta Search and delete.