
The departments from Colombia with their capitals

Curiosities - June 11, 2019

Colombia is located near the equatorial line, in the region known as Latin America. Within it is divided into departments, and each has a city as capital, as established by the Political Constitution of 1991, which declares the administrative and political division of Colombia in 32 departments and a Capital district.

Image 1. The departments from Colombia with their capitals

This is the list of the 32 departments of Colombia with their respective capitals, compiled in alphabetical order with regard to the departments.

Departments and Capitals

  1. Amazonas-Leticia
  2. Antioquia-Medellín
  3. Arauca – Arauca
  4. Atlantic – Barranquilla
  5. Bolívar – Cartagena
  6. Boyacá – Tunja
  7. Caldas – Manizales
  8. Caquetá – Florence
  9. Casanare – Yopal
  10. Cauca – Popayán
  11. Cesar-Valledupar
  12. Chocó-Quibdó
  13. Córdoba-Montería
  14. Cundinamarca – Bogotá
  15. Guainía – Puerto Inírida
  16. Guaviare – San José del Guaviare
  17. Huila – Neiva
  18. La Guajira – Riohacha
  19. Magdalena-Santa Marta
  20. Meta – Villavicencio
  21. Nariño – Pasto
  22. Norte de Santander – Cúcuta
  23. Putumayo-Mucus
  24. Quindío – Armenia
  25. Risaralda – Pereira
  26. San Andrés and Providencia-San Andrés
  27. Santander-Bucaramanga
  28. Sucre-Sincelejo
  29. Tolima – Ibague
  30. Valle del Cauca-Cali
  31. Vaupés – Mitú
  32. Vichada – Puerto Carreño

Bogota is both the capital of the Department of Cundinamarca and the capital of the country. Other cities that also emphasize the interior because of their population density as their economy are: Medellín, capital of Antioquia; Cali, capital of Valle del Cauca; and Cartagena, capital of Bolivar and one of the most tourist cities not only of Colombia, but of the continent.

All the Colombian departments have a wealth of formidable flora and fauna. Dozens and dozens of species of birds, of vegetables, of water tributaries, of moors, thermal floors, delicious and varied fruits and not what to say of the multiculturality, because there are more than 80 tribes indigenous, each one with its native language. The snow-capped mountains that are found throughout the national territory also nourish that Colombian opulence that makes it the heart of the planet.

It should be taken into account that much of the Amazon region crosses Colombian territory, as in departments such as El Vaupés, Vichada, Putumayo, Caquetá.
