
The Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card’s Meaning: Kabbalah

Curiosities - August 28, 2019

With the name of The Wheel of Fortune this card is ranked tenth of the Tarot’s eldest arcane.In this article we will try to summarize the symbolic aspects of this card, as well as the interpretations attributed to it by most cartomantics within a reading or consultation of this divinatory method apparently emerged in Italy during Italy during Italy during the 15th century.

Image 1. The Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card’s Meaning: Kabbalah

In the card of The Wheel of Fortune (from the deck known as Rider) we can see in front a sphere where the Hebrew letters Yod, He, Vau and He, which together make up the name IHVH attributed to JEHOVA, also include the letters that form the word TARO, which would be representing the wheel of human becoming.

Likewise in it can be seen in each of its corners four winged beings, who would be representing the four beings who halun the chariot of God according to the vision of the Christian prophet Ezekiel. This card also features Egyptian symbols such as the Sphinx, which point to the good luck of this card.


Likewise for most experts in this divinatory art, the wheel of fortune’s chart points out the vital movement, the speed to achieve what is sought or is about to happen. It also points out those surprises and gifts brought from the hand of fate. Likewise, each of the schools gives meaning to this card.

For its part, for the Cabalistics, the Wheel of Fortune is associated with the letter Yoth, as well as with the planet Saturn and the sign of Capricorn. For Esotericism instead is associated with Virgo, as well as with planet Earth.

The numberology on its side relates it to the number ten, a number that for this philosophy represents the cosmic totality, because it would be made up of the sum of 1 +2+3+4, since for numerology, the one is the number that represents God; the two embodies matter; the three is the number of the trinity but also of the physical world, while the four is the number of creativity and man.

Similarly, for most tarotists, the appearance of The Wheel of Fortune within a reading almost always points to the cycle of life and the intervention of fate, whether the consultation refers to the emotional, spiritual or material plane, finally pointing out that the situation depends entirely on fate.

If the consultant is interested in specifying a person, the appearance of this card may point to someone who doesn´t manage his fate, doesn´t plan, but on the contrary lets himself be dragged by the events. It almost always has positive aspects, although it must be interpreted in the context of the accompanying cards.

In this sense, the presence of the card of The Wheel of Fortune also has a special meaning according to the aspect consulted. For example, if the consultant is interested in delving into the love plane, according to most tarotists, the appearance of this card may indicate a stage of passion in the relationship.

If, on the contrary, the person is single, the appearance of this card may indicate the appearance of new loves and a moment of intensity in the love life. If the person goes through an unexpected break, the appearance of The Wheel of Fortune may indicate the early return with the loved one.

For its part, the work plane in the presence of this card can be interpreted as a positively aspected area, especially for changes. Likewise, if the person has been suddenly separated from his position or farewell, the appearance of The Wheel of Fortune may indicate the prompt and unexpected recovery of the lost position, either in the same company or in another but with an equivalent position.

Economically the appearance of The Wheel of Fortune indicates the possibility of receiving prizes, winning in games of chance. However, it is important as long as it is analyzed in the context of the accompanying cards. As for health. In the health aspect, the presence of the Wheel of Fortune card may indicate an unexpected influx of energy and vitality. If the person consulted goes through an illness, this card may foreshadow a sudden recovery.

And if it appears inverted

Likewise, like all Tarot cards, the Wheel of Fortune card also has a particular meaning if it appears inverted. If the reading is done to analyze the health plane of the consultant, the appearance of the inverted Wheel of Fortune may mean relapses, as well as may indicate nausea, vomiting and stomach discomfort. In the work area, this inverted card may point to unexpected news, which will be positive or negative depending on the accompanying cards.

On an economic level, the inverted Wheel of Fortune points out that this is not the time to fall into expenditure. It also warns of the need for a moment of prudence in order to avoid gambling, which can bring large losses of money. If the consultation is to analyze the love plane, you may be pointing out that the relationship will go through negative moments, where one or both involved may experience moments of emotional confusion.

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