
Example of thesis dedication

Education - June 20, 2019

And the culminating moment of our academic formation at a higher level (technical, technological or professional), master’s, doctorate or postdoctoral has arrived. The moment in which we must make our monograph or thesis, which must be sustained before a synod that acts as a qualifying jury.

Image 1. Example of thesis dedication

Example of thesis dedication

Then, after many months, even after many years of work and research, we will put in writing what we want to sustain, our academic presentation with respect to a specific topic: Our beloved thesis that, in one of its preliminaries has the option to put a «dedication page», or «dedication». This page, although not usual, could be not only one, but two (I have not really seen it, but technically it is possible).

How to make a dedication for a thesis or a written work?

But what to put? Really here is the only space where we can leave the technical expressions and we can make an absolutely free dedication (well, it is a saying, really not so free as to use obscene words, with violent, sexual content, etc.). Yes, enough to say: For my skinny beautiful. For my beautiful fat, the reason for my existence.

It is valid to make such dedications, although we would really be inclined to use something like: For Marta Lucia, who has become my support and my banner. That is, normally, colloquialisms would be dispensed with.

Let’s see another example of thesis dedication:

I dedicate this achievement to my father and my mother, who with love and effort have accompanied me in this process, without hesitating at any moment of seeing my dreams come true, which are also their dreams.

To Alfredo, who has been my support in the difficulties.

To my wife Lady, to my little Angie, to my parents, Liz and Daniel, to my brothers William, Luis and Consuelo, to my friends William González, to Roberto, to Patricia, and to all those who made this achievement possible: love and Unlimited gratitude.

As we can see, you can cite as many people as you wish, including pets (the dedication is the page where we are allowed the greatest freedom within the thesis, provided they are with measured, elegant terms).

But we can also dedicate it to abstract things, to events, to ideals, etc. In my thesis, for example, I made a dedication like this:

Anyway, then another sound and a huge circle will arrive, and the formats will all be destroyed and will have to be spawned again.

To the rider who told us.

Of course, it is an atypical dedication, but totally valid. The normal thing is that we express our affection, our friendship and gratitude to the people that in one way or another contributed to that we arrived at that moment of our careers, as well as to the people who had made valuable academic contributions so that we could finish our thesis ( in which case we would mention them by deference, by their profession: … to Dr. Rodríguez, to the architect Bermudez, to the engineer Sandra -but who is not obligated either, if there is trust we can give him another treatment, but always restrained).