
FireRTC is the ultimate extension of PushBullet: we can take calls from PC

English - May 13, 2015

PushBullet is It has become a very useful extension to receive notifications of Android on a computer. It’s fast, effective and serves para more than reading messages: we can also responder directly from a PC to WhatsApp or we can transfer files. In a little we can do more thanks to a service that is starting to take its first steps.

FireRTC is a service that is starting to take its first steps, but its premise is very attractive: to take phone calls directly from your computer. Which although they offer their service as an extension for major Web browsers, the most interesting for users of Android will come with Connection you will have with our phone by PushBullet. Sounds very promising, especially for those who do not like having to turn the mobile screen constantly or always have when we are far ahead of the ordered

Bridging the connection between the Mobile and PC

When we FireRTC paired with PushBullet, just we have to wait for a call to receive notice and to attend to your computer directly from there. As you can imagine, will need a microphone and a speaker to speak and hear the other person but in the screenshots is that the process is very comfortable and intuitive.

It does not give you time to pick up the phone for any reason, we can return the call at the touch of the button. It will also feature a dial so that we can call directly without receiving a missed before. An interesting detail is that FireRTC an incoming call will give enriched who calls us information. That is, will collate the number databases to indicate if, for example, is a trade.

The idea is very good and reminds the connection system that already exists in Apple to address calls iPhone from a Mac computer. The only problem is that, for now, the service is available in beta and we will point us to accept our request FireRTC test. We have already done as soon as possible to tell you how it works because it promises to be one of the most useful extensions that you can use with PushBullet between your computer and Android

News FireRTC is the ultimate extension of PushBullet: we can take calls from PC was originally published in Engadget Android by Juan Carlos Gonzalez.

Engadget Android