
The true story of Phineas and Ferb

Curiosities - July 27, 2019

Phineas y Ferb is an animated television series produced by Disney Channel and released worldwide in 2008. The series tells the adventures of half-brother Phineas Flynn and Ferb Fletcher, the same in which both Phineas’ older sister Candace Flynn and their mother and friends are involved.

Image 1. The true story of Phineas and Ferb

A television series that won a large number of viewers

Candace lives obsessed with catching her siblings, for which she normally turns to her mother, giving them away for her to intervene. However, Candace’s plans never succeed because any evidence of the boys’ antics disappears in the aftergot of other events unfolding within the story.

The girl has a platypus named Perry, who fights Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz. In these fights the inventions that Phineas and Ferb would have been working on are usually destroyed.

This is, broadly speaking, the official and well-known plot of the series. But could all this have happened? Could the creators have been inspired in some real-life case?

History, true or not, tells that in a remote town in Russia, by 1993, lived a girl named Candace Flynn. The girl had had a deranged childhood and had a deplorable economic situation. In addition to this he had suffered from the conflict of separation from his parents.

She had grown up with her mother and her brothers Phineas and Ferb. Phineas suffers from hyperactivity, while Ferb has an advanced mental retardation. The girl develops a wild imagination and is addicted to lies, so when her mother arrived, she would tell her about the incredible adventures her brothers had taken during the day.

The woman takes Candace with the specialist, Dr. Heinz, who diagnoses her with severe schizophrenia and prescribes some medications, which makes the situation worse, as Candace develops addiction to medications, and this leads her to try other types of stronger and stronger drugs.

The Fantastic Diary of Adventures with LSD

Candace, tired of anyone believed their stories, chooses to make a diary in which she tells the stories of her brothers. By the age of fourteen, the young woman had already become a compulsive consumer of LSD and other types of drugs, which altered her perception of reality.

In the same year the girl was found dead in her room. He reportedly committed suicide by preparing a lethal dose of several drugs.Next to her was her diary and suicide note on the last page.

Later the mother decides to sell Candace’s diary, with the good fortune that Disney Channel was interested in the stories contained and decides to buy it.