
Google Maps for Android now lets you disable notifications for traffic alerts

English - October 1, 2015

The application Google Maps default we can send notifications to traffic information there from our current location to our upcoming events, warning us to alerts if we’re going to find traffic incidents to better organize our movement.

This functionality is no longer mandatory. Since the new version 9.15 we can disable notifications of traffic information to stop receiving these alerts that not everyone will find useful.

To disable these alerts just have to go to settings Google Maps and enter Notices. There we find the new option “Traffic information”.. If we deactivate and cease to receive alerts with traffic incidents our upcoming events

In Google Play | Google Maps ( Mirror APK)
In Engadget Android | Google Maps 9.14, now with “people hours” of sites new interface

“How come?” –
News Google Maps for Android now lets you disable notifications for traffic alerts was originally published in Engadget Android by Cosmos.

Engadget Android