
Locker destroys all your data if you failed to unlock the phone

English - April 4, 2016

Photos, videos, chat conversations, call logs, social networks, notes, bank applications … it is clear that nobody is passionate about the idea that all this information falling into the wrong hands, but how far would you be able to get help?

According to the creators of Locker, far, namely until the end of delete all data on mobile if someone mistakenly enter the unlock code a number of times. If you already gave you afraid to put your PIN code three times badly, with Locker will drive you completely paranoid every time you unlock the phone.

Locker is a lock screen itself, but uses API Android device management for force policy maximum number of failed breakouts. That is, you use your screen normally lock your phone, maybe yes or maybe not show you a warning that if you fail once again, all your data will be deleted


This mobile will self-destruct in 3 attempts

As expected, you need to administrator permissions a locker so you can erase all data on the device and access the number of unsuccessful release. From the Locker own window you have quick access to achieve.

The next step is to determine the number of failed unlock’ll allow. If you like living on the edge, you can set it as only an attempt. The first failure, all data on your phone will be deleted. Other people may choose to increase the number up to 20 attempts.

the truth is that simply activate locker and gives some fear, because who knows if the application will have a bug that deleted all messages before time or if your mobile phone is “unlocked” in your pocket creating erroneous attempts by itself, but those especially concerned about where they end their data find in locker an ally faithful.

it should be noted that even without locker, you can also delete the entire contents of your phone remotely using the device manager Google. The difference is that the process is automatic Locker after some failed attempts, while administrator must do it manually, and perhaps it is already too late.

Image 1. Locker destroys all your data if you failed to unlock the phone

Locker 1.0.7

Image 2. Locker destroys all your data if you failed to unlock the phone

  • Android version: 4.1
  • Developer: Zygote Labs
  • Download it at: Google Play
  • Price: Free
  • Category: Tools

Via | MovilZona
In Engadget Android | ¿Usas lock screen in Android? 30% of users do not

The news Locker destroys all your data if you fail to unlock the mobile was originally published in Engadget Android by Ivan Ramirez.

Engadget Android