
Now you can play Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines from your browser

English - February 19, 2016

Using HTML5 and JavaScript, you can now play Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines from the browser without install anything.

One of the most legendary PC game, Commandos, meets the majority 2016, and despite its age, the franchise that is part of one of the most interesting and beloved tactical games in real time. Years pass, and although technologies advance and can make graphs wonders like The Division, the classics never die, and go to live in your browser

And you can now play Commandos.: Behind Enemy Lines on your browser using HTML5, but obviously does not have a frame rate at the level of titles installed natively, the truth is that its operation is very interesting, especially serves to give it a try this title for free.

of course, the creators of this version already notified that it is a project still under development and may include mistakes. They have also confirmed plans to develop more missions for single player more, and include a multiplayer cooperative mode using HTML5 WebSockets;. All from the browser without any installation

Play: Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines from the browser
