
The best types of natural viagra

Curiosities, English - November 16, 2022
Image 1. The best types of natural viagra

Viagra or “blue pill” is a pharmaceutical whose function is to improve erectile dysfunction in men. In 1990 it was discovered accidentally, when they tried to perform a treatment for angina pectoris, generating a drug that proved to be quite effective in activating the male organ. However, it has been discovered that the same effect can be achieved naturally. We present “the types of natural viagras”.


It is one of the most nourishing cereals and is good for the body. But those men who frequently eat oatmeal get longer and more powerful erections, thanks to the abundant proteins it contains.


It is widely used for various diseases, such as asthma, tuberculosis, bronchitis, flu and has even been listed as one of the best natural antibiotics. Among its great properties, it contributes to the male organ to obtain a greater potency and performance, thanks to the allicin, which helps to pump more blood to the virile member. To achieve this effect with good results, it is recommended to eat three to four cloves of raw garlic per day.


Several studies have revealed that this delicious and juicy fruit can produce an effect very similar to that of Viagra, due to its phytonutrients such as citrulline, beta-carotene and lycopene, which help stimulate libido and blood vessels.


It is a prodigious fruit, which apart from offering a good digestion, helps to increase the level of erection by more than 30%, according to studies published by some specialized institutes, which state that passion fruit juice is highly antioxidant and greatly favors the blood flow, producing a greater virile potency.

Yerba mate

It is found in the jungle part of Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay. Very rich in vitamin C and high doses of minerals, which considerably increase libido. In these countries it is often drunk, especially with lemon or orange flavor. It helps to mitigate erectile dysfunction problems.


It is found in the Andes. It is a root that has a strong influence on blood flow, resulting in greater rigidity and hardness of the member, especially for those suffering from impotence.

Red Ginseng

It is also a root, which prepared in various ways, is an invigorating of the best, since experts say that up to almost 45%, is able to improve performance in bed.


Men are very favored when consuming this plant in an infusion. It helps to treat premature ejaculation and impotence, also extending the duration and quality of erection.


By drinking a cup of tea from the leaves of this plant every morning, men’s performance is greatly improved.


It is highly recommended to include this root vegetable in the diet. According to specialists, it is too rich in nitrates and therefore, the erotic potency is greatly enhanced, as well as the entire immune system, decreasing with its consumption high probabilities of contracting cancer.


Apart from being delicious, they are a wonderful source of health, especially in everything related to the cardiovascular system, since they work prodigiously reducing blood pressure and avoiding the dangerous hypertension. These fruits are directly related to blood irrigation, therefore, erections are potentiated and in the female case, formidable results are also seen.


They are considered one of the richest and most nutritious nuts. The analyses that have been performed on them indicate that they are very well endowed with arginine, which in turn promotes much more the production of nitric oxide in the organism, reflecting in an optimal integral well-being, noticing significant and positive changes in intimacy.


Doctors advise them within the diet, especially if you want to improve performance in bed, because being a spicy food accelerates metabolism and apart from serving as a great natural Viagra, also helps to lose weight. They contribute to the production of the famous nitric oxide, so necessary for good erotic performance.

Several scientists have asserted that when there is an abuse of sexuality from an early age, problems of premature ejaculation, impotence and other pathologies are inevitable over the years. The blue pill has caused several heart attacks in the world, but these natural remedies have no negative effects.