
The mystery of psychic dreams

English - February 22, 2023
Image 1. The mystery of psychic dreams

“Life is a dream, and dreams are dreams”.

However, not everyone believes that this strange phenomenon that lives night after night in our mind, taking us to strange places and enigmatic events, is only a product of fantasy or imagination.

In fact, for centuries, some of the greatest scholars have been interested in dreams and their meanings.

Since ancient times, dreams have occupied an important place in history, even in the courts of emperors and pharaohs there were scholars specialized in interpreting the dreams of the hierarchs, who took into account the advice of their dreams when deciding the future of their nation.

Even the Bible recounts dozens of episodes where a person receives information in dreams, sometimes understanding and interpreting it quickly and adequately, and other times only being able to decipher its meaning due to the succession of events previously announced by his dreams.

In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, Sigmund Freud was the pioneer of studies that tried to understand what the mind does when the body rests.

He concluded that the human psyche was made up of the conscious, that which we know about ourselves when we are alert, and the unconscious: that which also shapes us, but which we are unaware of, and which, like a black box, makes us act in a certain way, without us being able to easily recognize the cause-consequence processes in it.

Freud realized that this unconscious was active all the time, making us behave in a certain way in the face of certain stimuli, without our being able to be aware of this process.

For his part, his disciple Carl Jung, in the middle of the 20th century, concluded that the moment in which a person can come into direct contact with this unconscious world is precisely while sleeping: in sleep, in which the issues that make up his life are presented to him in the form of symbols.

Modern psychiatry considers that dreams fulfill many functions within the human psyche.

On the one hand, sleep is indispensable to fix the knowledge learned during the day.

On the other hand, our mind often uses dreams to solve problems in our life, as escape valves, where certain conflicts can take shape, through those symbols that Jung spoke of.

The science of the mind has come to affirm that, if we did not sleep, we would go crazy.

Likewise, according to the psychiatrists, the dreams also have compensatory character, that is to say, in them the mind realizes what many times its reality does not allow him.

However, some psychiatrists, such as the American Brian Weiss, affirm that dreams can also fulfill other functions, which go beyond mere daily learning or compensation:

“Dreams also fulfill deeper roles. They can provide us with paths that lead us to recover repressed or forgotten memories from childhood, from experiences lived in the womb or from past lives. Fragments of memories from previous lives often emerge in dreams, particularly those in which the dreamer sees scenes that take place years or centuries before his or her birth.”

In this sense, Weiss affirms that dreams can also be of “psychic” origin, that is to say, that the person can have parapsychological experiences during sleep, such as connecting with other times, or with other beings, incarnated or not, to receive messages or transmit them.

He met his son in a dream

An example of this is the case cited by Brian Weiss, in his book Lazos de amor, about the letter he received from a woman after having published his first book on reincarnation.

According to this American psychiatrist, the woman thanked him because thanks to this reading, she had been able to believe completely in two very strange dreams involving her youngest son, who had died very young.

The woman in Weiss’ story told in that obituary that since she was a child she had always known that she would have a very special and loving son, whom she would name David.

As time went by, this woman grew up, married and had a family: two girls. As the years went by, she wondered what would have become of the baby boy she always felt she should have.

As told by Weiss, this woman had a dream one night, which she described as very vivid, where a being she identified as an angel told her that she could have her son, but that he would only stay with her for 19 years, and that if she accepted, then that would be it.

The woman accepted, and soon after, in fact, she became pregnant and gave birth to a boy, whom she named David. Just as she had felt since she was a little girl,” Weiss says, “David grew up to be a being of love, full of charisma.

However, according to what the woman told Waiss, when he reached the age of 19, David became ill with a rare form of brain cancer and died. Her mother claims to have remembered the dream, and since David’s death, she says she has felt guilty for agreeing to the deal.

In the letter, the woman goes on to say that a month after David’s departure, she had another dream, where she again encountered the angel, who this time was accompanied by her son, David, who told her not to feel guilty:

 “Don’t grieve so much. I love you. I chose you; it was not you who chose me.”

Weiss concludes the story, saying that after this psychic experience, the woman was able to understand the purpose of that soul.

Itinerant dreams

Another type of dreams, of psychic origin, are “itinerant” dreams. According to parasychology, these consist of oneiric experiences, in which the person can dream of real places, and in spite of not having been in them physically, is able to visit them in dream. Surprised, when he visits that place in reality, of the accuracy of his dreams.

The mystery of dreams

Dreams have been a fascinating subject for humans since time immemorial. For centuries, humans have been trying to unravel the mystery of dreams. What do dreams mean? Why do we dream? How can dreams be interpreted? These are some of the most common questions people ask about dreams.

First, it is important to note that dreams are a normal and natural part of the human experience. Dreams occur during the sleep phase known as REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, which is the most active phase of sleep. During this phase, the brain is very active and is believed to be processing and consolidating information that has been received during the day.

Although dreams may seem chaotic and meaningless, some experts suggest that dreams have symbolic meaning and can be interpreted. Dream interpretation dates back to ancient times, and has been a common practice in many cultures. Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytic theory suggests that dreams are a way of processing and expressing our unconscious desires and inner conflicts.

However, not all experts agree on the interpretation of dreams. Some argue that dreams have no deep meaning and are simply an expression of random brain activity. There are also theories that suggest that dreams may be a way of preparing us for future situations, helping us to process and practice possible scenarios.

Regardless of their meaning or purpose, dreams can be fascinating and mysterious. They often seem to have a world of their own, filled with characters and situations that are strange and unfamiliar. Dreams can also be a source of inspiration for artists and writers, and have been the subject of many works of art and literature.

Dreams can be different for each individual, which makes them even more enigmatic. Although some people may have recurring or similar dreams, each dream is unique and personal to the one experiencing it.

Interestingly, culture and upbringing can influence how people interpret their dreams. For example, in some cultures dreams are seen as messages from the gods or ancestors, while in others they are considered a manifestation of the subconscious.

Some people have developed techniques to control or manipulate their dreams, known as lucid dreams. In these dreams, the person is aware that he or she is dreaming and can control the course of the dream. This has led some people to use lucid dreaming as a way to explore their subconscious or as a tool to overcome fears and phobias.

One of the most interesting areas of research in the study of dreams is neuroscience. With the advancement of neuroimaging technology, researchers have been able to observe the brain in action during sleep and have discovered that different areas of the brain are active during different phases of sleep.

For example, it is known that during the REM phase, the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex are active, suggesting that the brain is processing and consolidating information. It has also been shown that dreams may be related to memory and creativity, and may be a way of processing the emotions and events of the day.

Some researchers have explored the relationship between dreams and mental health. It has been shown that sleep disorders, such as sleep apnea and insomnia, can have negative effects on mental health. The relationship between dreams and mood disorders, such as depression and anxiety, has also been investigated.

Psychologists have investigated the recurring patterns and themes in people’s dreams, as well as the relationship between dreams and psychological disorders.

For example, some studies have found that people who experience nightmares frequently have an increased risk of developing anxiety disorders or depression. In addition, some psychologists have used dreams as a therapeutic tool, helping people explore their emotions and inner conflicts through the interpretation of their dreams.

It is also interesting to consider how dreams have been viewed in different cultures throughout history. In some cultures, dreams are considered a form of communication with the gods or the spirit world. In other cultures, dreams are interpreted as a way of processing the events of the day or as a manifestation of the subconscious.

In popular culture, dreams have been represented in many ways throughout time. From prophetic dreams in antiquity to lucid dreams in the modern era, dreams have been the subject of fascination and mystery in literature, film, and music.