
The Story Behind Mother Teresa of Calcutta

Curiosities, English - December 4, 2022
Image 1. The Story Behind Mother Teresa of Calcutta

“He who does not live to serve, does not serve to live”. The selfless service to others is the strongest message of Mother Teresa of Calcutta, a Catholic nun who was much in the mass media, especially in the 80’s and 90’s, to the point of being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize and was called: “The saint of the sewers”, for her closeness to those who fell into misery.

She is credited with several social works, such as the creation of hospitals, orphanages, old people’s homes and shelters for street dwellers, among others. But numerous critics have emerged, who claim to have the evidence that Teresa of Calcutta is not the character promoted by the mass media, but that the reality is contrary to what is told.

In 2016 she was canonized by Pope Francis, because not long after her death, the Vatican exposed some alleged miracles that her soul would have performed. Below, everything about “the story behind Teresa of Calcutta”:

Promoter of Catholicism in India

The real name of the nun is not Teresa, but Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu. She was always highlighted in the news and press all over the world, positioning herself as a heroine who fought to make poverty be seen as the path to holiness and to be at the side of the poor, accompanying them in their pains, sufferings, anguish, sorrows and agonies.

From the age of 18, she entered the female cloister in those lands of India, where the Hindu, Buddhist, Shivaist and, in general, yogic religion had always prevailed. But at that time the Ottoman Empire ruled and her mission, assigned by the Vatican, was to spread Catholicism in that eastern region.

Sister Maria Teresa, as she chose to call herself, relates that on September 10, 1946, Jesus appeared to her in a revelation, and asked her to found an institution of nuns to be called “The Missionaries of Charity” and from that moment, in 1950, her life was never the same. The first work of this Catholic female monastic order was the establishment of a home for the dying in the city of Calcutta. Soon after, several health centers were set up throughout the nation.

A worldwide public figure

She then attracted the attention of the world media, positioning herself as a highly respected international figure, and was later commonly seen at the White House, the Vatican and with political leaders from around the globe. Thanks to donations from governments, private companies and the Vatican itself, he expanded mission centers especially in Latin, African and communist countries. He received many titles, millionaire donations and decorations, such as the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979.

In 1997, he died at the age of 87. At present, this religious institution continues its work with about three thousand devotees in all countries.

The angel from hell

It seems illogical that a person like Mother Teresa of Calcutta, who according to the news, documentaries, press and other media, dedicated her life to help the poor, the needy, those who cry out for a place to take refuge, etc., has contradictors and even those who have launched such accusations against the religious. One of them is the British writer Christopher Hitchens, who has publicly referred to Mother Teresa as “a religious fundamentalist, political activist, old-fashioned preacher and accomplice of the secular powers of this world.

Hitchens, in 1995, published a document on the hidden life of Mother Teresa, entitled “The Position of the Missionary”. In it he states that the true face of that nun in the service of the Vatican is that of a shady woman manipulated by politicians and dictators.

Later, Hitchens produced a documentary he called “The Angel of Hell”, in which he implies that all the millionaire donations collected by the religious community of the Missionaries, had never been destined to offer even a painkiller to the dying in Calcutta and other centers of pain, where only the nuns were witnessing how those poor dying and starving people were writhing with suffering, while according to him, Mother Teresa of Calcutta made more politics and received more and more money, which was never seen.

Another of the most controversial critics of the nun has been Luis Carlos Campos, Spanish researcher and writer, who has produced written and audiovisual materials in which he captured some alleged evidence of corruption and sadism behind the character that conquered the hearts of millions of people on screens, magazines and newspapers.

One of the testimonies he collected was that of an English doctor of the “London Aroup Chatterjee”, who says he conducted more than a hundred interviews with people who somehow related to the religious order of Teresa, being surprised by the alleged and very serious hygiene conditions in those missionary centers, where they would reuse hypodermic needles, among other things.

Luis Carlos Campos adds that the nun would not only be involved in cases of corruption and massive deceit, but she would also be a practitioner of dark Indian rites, who with certain techniques took advantage of the energy of pain and suffering of their unhealthy hospitals and full of misery, having millions of dollars to maintain them in dignified conditions, but she did it as a kind of satanic sacrifice.

Testimony of a volunteer

An individual named Hemley Gonzalez, a Miami resident, says he worked for a few months in 2008 at one of Mother Teresa’s homeless shelters in the city of Calcutta. He says he felt completely let down, scared and shocked by all the horrors he witnessed there.

He literally recounts:

I was shocked to discover the horrible and negligent way the organization operates and the contradiction between that and the way the general public perceives its work. With staunch opposition against planned parenthood, against the modernization of equipment and against many other initiatives seeking solutions, Mother Teresa was not a friend of the poor, but rather a promoter of poverty.

Gonzalez wrote.

There are several critics and very strong accusations. From India, we find Sanal Edamaruku, a political scientist who spoke out against the veracity of the miracles that the Vatican used as an argument to canonize the nun, as an alleged Brazilian man who was cured by the soul of Teresa of terrible brain tumors in 2008 or that of a terminally ill woman who was healed when they placed a picture of Teresa of Calcutta in her stomach, but according to Edemaruku, they have concrete evidence that these people were being treated with drugs.

Most people no longer question the nun because her image is that of someone who worked for the poor.

The Indian political scientist and journalist added.

True or not, Mother Teresa of Calcutta has served as a symbol of peace and selfless service to humanity. However, it is another example that many idols of the system, who promote so much in the mass media as if they were great philanthropists, are not really such, but quite the opposite.

It never ceases to cause great astonishment in those who learn of this terrible reality, especially in the Catholic faithful themselves. Thanks to the rise of the immediacy of globalized information, all these things are no longer hidden. However, everyone can believe or not believe.