
Top 10 Educational Films for Students

Business, English - October 25, 2019
Image 1. Top 10 Educational Films for Students

As a teacher, you can help your students understand concepts and theories easily by encouraging them to watch educational films. Educational films have proven to enhance students’ learning experience through immersion.

Let’s face it. Students love watching films. A student who learns through educational films will receive a boost in his or her learning curve.

Every class has a set of specified movies that you should focus on while teaching in class. At the end of the day, it all comes down to the student’s attitude towards learning. Today, we are going to discuss the best educational films for students. Keep reading…

1. The King’s Speech

The King’s Speech is one of the best movies for language students to watch. It is about a stammering man who is obliged to speak to the world.

2. Inside Job

Inside Job is a great movie in the student universe as it provides a detailed analysis of the financial crisis that occurred in 2008. This is an amazing movie for Finance students.

3. Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room

The Smartest Guys in the Room is an amazing documentary that studies some of the largest scandals that have happened in the history of America.

Watching this movie and seeking assignment help from qualified writers will help business students understand how read financial statements and answer exam questions.

4. The Cube

Mathematicians will find The Cube to be a fascinating movie because it’s based on factoring and coordinate numbers to discover the location of a stunning cube.

5. Whiplash

Whiplash is an interesting story of a talented drummer who wants to follow his dreams despite the lack of support from the people around him.

6. When We Were Kings

This movie features Muhamad Ali’s rise to the top. It is a refined and emotional movie that sport students will find fascinating.

7. The Silence of Lambs

This movie showcases how the human mind functions at different times. It is a good movie for psychology students.

8.      Elizabeth

History students will be immersed by this movie and learn more about writing narrative essay topics and the Golden Age.

9. The Imitation Age

The Imitation Game is a story about mathematicians who used their computers to hack Germany’s system thus shortening World War II and saving lots of lives.

10. The beautiful mind

A Beautiful Mind features John Nash who pursues Economics with schizophrenia. This is an ideal movie for Physics students.


There are so many educational movies that students can watch to learn and understand facts and concepts easily. You have to figure out which subject you want to understand and then search for a movie that relates to the subject.

Most students are usually bored with class and attending normal lectures. Changing your teaching methods will work ignite their interest and improve their understanding.

With this list of 2019 films, it shouldn’t be very difficult to choose. Remember, watching educational movies is not a waste of time. It will save you a lot of time in the long run.


Elizabeth Skinner is an experienced writer and editor. She loves sharing her thoughts and insights on effective teaching and learning on her website regularly. During her free time, you’ll find her reading a book or riding her horse.