
Type Keeper: a clipboard is a universal have a backup of everything you type on your phone

English - December 14, 2019

Image 1. Type Keeper: a clipboard is a universal have a backup of everything you type on your phone

Typing and typing our phone number is a common practice, unless you’re a faithful follower of the sect of the audio of several minutes, a debate in which neither want nor appropriate to enter. Be that as it may, we may, on occasion you have deleted a message that you didn’t want to lose, either in a note, messaging application or any other application.

to remedy this type of situations, we’re going to talk to you about an application that we have found through XDA Developers. Is called Type Keeper, and, as its name indicates, is responsible for keep up on our phone the texts that we have been writing.

All your text except

Image 2. Type Keeper: a clipboard is a universal have a backup of everything you type on your phone

Type Keeper is a free app that features, yes, with some advertising (not too intrusive). The concept of the app is simple: it is a clipboard automatic everything that we wrote in the different applications. It may sound a bit overwhelming and chaotic, but it is certain that the application is well-structured to avoid this.

The operation is simple, what you write, as long as the application is running, it will be saved within the app. Everything is sorted by applications, being able to manually select the applications in which we want to save the text and in which not. For example, if you only want to save the texts from WhatsApp, Instagram or Keep (for example) you can clear the rest of apps). By default, all come active.

Just go to the subsection for each application to be able to see the various texts that we have written in the same

Image 3. Type Keeper: a clipboard is a universal have a backup of everything you type on your phone

In Xataka Android

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save the text arranged by application, is as simple as clicking, inside Type Keeper, in the application that we want to see the texts. As well, we will see what we have written, and when what we have written. If you click on that text, we can copy it to the clipboard, share it via any app, or delete it, if it is not necessary to us.

what Possible utilities of the app? In case of server, for example, more than once you have deleted some notes from Keep, when you go back in the app without saving them. In this case, to retrieve the text, you would simply open Type Keeper and go to the section Keep.

The note would be here saved, although it has been deleted from Keep.

Basically, it’s about having a backup of the texts that we write in the applications that interest us, if we want to retrieve the messages at any time.

The oldest messages are deleted automatically, so you shouldn’t worry too much because crowding thousands and thousands of messages.

Image 4. Type Keeper: a clipboard is a universal have a backup of everything you type on your phone

Type Keeper

The news Type Keeper: a clipboard is a universal have a backup of everything you type on your phone was originally published in Xataka Android by Ricardo Aguilar.

Xataka Android