
Videogram: The Social Network video is here

English - June 1, 2013

After the phenomenon that have meant so much retouching applications or social network Instagram photo as to name one of the most popular no wonder they are devised and developed something similar to one of the kings of the media in our terminals such as video. This is also where Videogram and now comes to Android after iOS debut a month ago.

A pretty cool concept that brings with a startup called Cinemacraft Japanese. There is an application for recording itself, nor the touch, even to create small video clips as Cinemagram. Is something different but has a clear and strong social networking component throughout the operation of the implementation.

The application will provide a means to discover and share content, either own or any place. We may share any existing social network within itself Videogram. The interesting thing about the application is that it creates frames that we can highlight different catches with either the exact minute that we want to highlight or any other concept, and distributed in the form of cards Pinterest style.

We content distributed by canals, so it’s easy to go exploring and discovering things new. It is also a good showcase for television and producing. In fact we can find channels like Discovery, TMZ and Warner Bros. A lot of curiosities that can be discovered by means of an application, which although it lacks many features, its creators promise to continue developing and updating shortly.

application really is a lot of potential, in which power dive and have a good time. If you are a fan Videogram audiovisual material certainly has a whole world to discover. Anyway, will have to be patient for the application to reach the necessary maturity.

Application on Google Play

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