
Countries, nationalities and Capitals of Asia

Curiosities - August 25, 2019

In the western world, most people hearing the name of the Asian continent only think about countries like China, Japan and Korea, some more also visualize Vietnam or Mongolia, and only very few know that Asia is a continent with more than four dozen countries, each with its capitals and whose citizens a certain identity corresponds to them, as well as to the nationals of other countries.

Image 1. Countries, nationalities and Capitals of Asia

Based on a list made by the Royal Spanish Academy of Language, in this time we want to offer you a list with the main Asian countries, as well as their indentitiess and capitals, so that you strengthen your knowledge and become a true World Geography.

Then the countries, cities and citizens of the most enigmatic continent on the planet:

Country: Afghanistan (the) / People: Afghan, Afghan, Afghan/Capital: Kabul

Country: Saudi Arabia / People: Saudi, Saudi, Saudi/ Capital: Riyadh

Country: Armenia / People: Armenian, Armenia, Armenians / Capital: Yerevan

Country: Azerbaijan / People: Azerbaijani, Azerbaijani, Azerbaijani / Capital: Baku

Country: Bahrain / People: Bahraini, Bahraini / Capital: Manama

Country: Bangladesh / People: Bangladeshi, Bangladeshi / Capital: Dhaka

Country: Burma / People: Burmese, Burmese, Burmese / Capital: Rengun

Country: Brunei Darussalam /People: Brunean, Brunesean / Capital: Bandar Seri Begawan

Country: Bhutan / People: Bhutanese, Bhutanese, Butanese / Capital: Timbu

Country: Cambodia /People: Cambodian, Cambodian, Camideas / Capital: Phnom Penh)

Country: China / People: Chinese, Chinese, Chinese / Capital: Beijing

Country: Cyprus / People: Cypriot, Cypriots / Capital: Nicosia

Country: North Korea / People: North Korean, North Korean, North Korean / Capital: Pyongyang

Country: South Korea / People: South Korean, South Korean, South Korean / Capital: Seoul

Country: United Arab Emirates (the) / Capital: Abu Dhabi

Country: Philippines / People: Filipino, Filipino, Filipino/ Capital: Manila

Country: Georgia / People: Georgian, Georgian, Georgian / Capital: Tbilisi

Country: India / People: Indian, Indian, Indian / Capital: New Delhi

Country: Indonesia / People: Indonesian, Indonesian, Indonesian / Capital: Jakarta

Country: Iran / People: Iranian, Iranian / Capital: Tehran

Country: Iraq / People: Iraqi, Iraqi / Capital: Baghdad

Country: Israel /People: Israeli, Israeli / Capital: Jerusalem

Country: Japan / People: Japanese, Japanese, Japanese / Capital: Tokyo

Country: Jordan / People: Jordanian, Jordanian, Jordanian / Capital: Amman

Country: Kazakhstan /People: Kyrgyz / Capital: Biskek

Country: Kuwait /People: Kuwaiti, Kuwaiti / Capital: Kuwait

Country: Laos / People: Laotian, Laotian, Laotian / Capital: Vientiane

Country: Lebanon (the) /People: Lebanese, Lebanese, Lebanese / Capital: Beirut

Country: Malaysia /People: Malaysian, Malaysian, Malaysian / Capital: Kuala Lumpur

Country: Maldives (the) / People: Maldivian, Maldivian, Maldivian / Capital: Male

Country: Mongolia /People: Mongolian, Mongolian, Mongol / Capital: Ulaanbaatar

Country: Nepal /People: Nepalese, Nepalese, Nepali / Capital: Kathmandu

Country: Oman / People: Omani / Capital: Muscat

Country: Pakistan (the) /People: Pakistani / Capital: Islamabad

Country: Qatar / People: Qatar / Capital: Doha

Country: Singapore /People: Singaporean / Capital: Singapore

Country: Syria / People: Syrian, Syrian, Syrian/ Capital: Damascus

Country: Sri Lanka /People: ceylonase, ceilanese. Although Ceilandese, Ceilandese forms (formerly Ceylon) are also accepted. The sterilanque, Esqilanquesa / Capital forms can also be used: Colombo

Country: Thailand /People: Thai, Thai, Thai / Capital: Bangkok

Country: Tajikistan / People: Tajik, Tajik / Capital: Dusambé

Country: East Timor / People: Timorese /Capital: Dili

Country: Turkmenistan / People: Turkmen, Turkmen. Although Turkmen or Turkmen/ Capital forms are also accepted: Asjadab

Country: Turkey (although this country belongs at a time to Europe and also to Asia) / Identity: Turkish, Turkish, Turkish / Capital: Asjabad

Country: Uzbekistan / People: Uzbek, Uzbek / Capital: Taskent

Country: Vietnam / People: Vietnamese, Vietnamese / Capital: Hanoi

Country: Yemen / People: Yemeni / Capital: Sana’a

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