
Five tips for creating your own podcast

Business, English - April 26, 2016

Do you feel like having your own podcast and do not know where to start?

Just as blogs had their golden age, the podcasts are having a good run. Downloaded massively for people who have to spend long hours in traffic every day, or found they can consume content while working, there are podcasts for all tastes and colors: from language learning to how exciting are adhesives, and many of us have found in them a different to express and communicate our ideas format. If some time you feel like starting a podcast but do not know how to do, now you have some recommendations for beginners.

1. Just start

The main problem we usually find before starting any project is the parálisis by analysis. In the case of a podcast, you can spend months analyzing if our microphone is good enough and our editing capabilities are sufficient, and if we never start too. An average microphone is more than enough, and the ability to add a piece of music intro in Audacity more than enough and choosing a cheap podcast hosting. No need professional skills; In any case, it is best to experiment and fail before an audience that can give your opinion on how to improve, not only in technical aspects but in the form and substance of your content.

2. You choose a

Choose a structure for your podcast will give your listeners a framework to quickly become familiar with the content, which produces an effect similar to that generated when you hear a catchy song: your brain knows what to expect and when you get is a small reward that encourages him to want to repeat the experience. This structure will depend on the type of content you’re creating; for example, one of my favorite podcasts on books, What Should I Read Next, follows the structure of “three books you love, you hate a book, and a book you’re reading now.” The important thing is that your structure makes sense for you, and that you follow with few variations in each episode.

Podcasting by Nicolas Solop, licensed under CC BY 2.0

3. Take notes

This not only applies to podcasters, but also to blogs, YouTube channels or any other format you choose to publish content regularly. Anyone who needs to generate ideas constantly, can benefit from always have a pencil and paper (or application notes on your phone), and learn to pay attention to their surroundings to find new ideas everywhere.

4. Take notes (for your listeners)

Take a couple of minutes to create the notes section of each episode shows your listeners a minimum degree of courtesy and makes much more useful content you produce. Includes any quote, link, product, or video that mentions in the episode, as well as credits to any content that you’re using (images, music, etc.). It also includes links to your social networking profiles, your website, if you have it, and at least one mechanism for your listeners to communicate with you.

5. Choose a schedule and stick to it

This is another tip that is applicable to any platform or format you choose to publish your content: have a schedule or stable calendar allows your audience to know when to expect new content, and facilitates the relationship between you and your audience. If you publish weekly for a couple of months, then stop updating content for a month, your audience will no longer be on the lookout.

Finally, regardless of the platform you choose to upload your podcast, Do not forget to register in iTunes, as this remains the most important window for people to download and listen to podcasts. If you focus on the content rather than the technical aspects, and remember having a good time while you’re doing, you’ll soon find an audience willing to listen.